Outdoor pot grow no nutrients used.

We appreciate the effort that’s applied to the grow more so than the actual grow not saying a great grow isn’t appreciated that’s why we all do it but being lazy is well just that being lazy
Whats the point of this if you're not going to let it flower? For fuck's sake, feed it, transplant it to a bigger container. It's minimal effort on your part
Whats the point of this if you're not going to let it flower? For fuck's sake, feed it, transplant it to a bigger container. It's minimal effort on your part
Becaues I'm a smoker not a grower plus I live in the UK where it is illegal to grow it so I wouldn't even know where to get any of that stuff never mind how to use it same as flower how or when to start so tour just being an ass instead of giving advice
I woulndt know where to start iv never grown before
It's not hard, and not that different from growing other garden veggies. I dunno what specific products are available in the UK, but you can probably just go to a garden center or hardware store, get some generic tomato/vegetable fertilizer, and apply per the directions on the label. No need to use cannabis-specific stuff.

Or if you transplant it straight into the ground it will be able to get more nutrients from the soil and need less fertilizing from you.

Edit: looks good so far, but is definitely going to need fertilizer soon if kept in that container.
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Becaues I'm a smoker not a grower plus I live in the UK where it is illegal to grow it so I wouldn't even know where to get any of that stuff never mind how to use it same as flower how or when to start so tour just being an ass instead of giving advice
u could get some compost and some bat guanno if u rlly don t wan t to complicate urself so much it wil really help and u will get good results and wattering every 3 days isn t that complicated or watter when the soil is dry
Nobodies here to “appreciate” a hungry plant that he doesn’t seems to care enough to even ask what to feed it with. I mean. How old are you? You don’t know where to start with giving your plant some plant food?. That really can’t be that hard to figure out. He was just randomly given a plant that he has no knowledge of. To post it here for us to “appreciate” it? If I wanna appreciate beautiful pics. Frosty thread has plenty of that. But unless your asking questions on where to start? What’s your point?

go to Home Depot. Grab some dr earth in the garden dept. and follow the directions on the bag. You’ve officially fed it. Lol. You don’t have a Home Depot? Try some of your kitchen compost. Create a compost pile. How’s your local dirt? Can you get worn castings? You can do a lot.
Nobodies here to “appreciate” a hungry plant that he doesn’t seems to care enough to even ask what to feed it with. I mean. How old are you? You don’t know where to start with giving your plant some plant food?. That really can’t be that hard to figure out. He was just randomly given a plant that he has no knowledge of. To post it here for us to “appreciate” it? If I wanna appreciate beautiful pics. Frosty thread has plenty of that. But unless your asking questions on where to start? What’s your point?

go to Home Depot. Grab some dr earth in the garden dept. and follow the directions on the bag. You’ve officially fed it. Lol. You don’t have a Home Depot? Try some of your kitchen compost. Create a compost pile. How’s your local dirt? Can you get worn castings? You can do a lot.
OK, these people are on this page to learn and share GROWING KNOWLEDGE. There are members that have decades of knowledge of growing to members like yourself with little to none. People looking for tips on growing, where to buy seeds, what do they need to start with, tent sizes. So, yes it is possible to toss a seed in soil and it grows but, to grow it to its fullest. I think that is the line in the sand my friend.