Well-Known Member
Planting Times
*Summer Crop*
most veg time and biggest plants
SOW: September
SEX: Around February
if you plant around here you should get 6 months veg and 2 months flower.
*Late Summer Crop*
SOW: December
SEX: Around February
*Autumn Crop*
SOW: February
SEX: Around April
*Winter Crop*
SOW: April
SEX: Around June
small plants with decent budz
there ya have it the ozzie planting times, follow these and you can happily up to four outdoor crops in oz.
also if your not from oz i believe taking each season back six months will be beneficial in some places ie April=October
always plant towards the sun too where i am from and all other ozzies that means if we ware on a hill we would plant it on the north facing side so it gets the sun (well call it the sunny side)
*Summer Crop*
most veg time and biggest plants
SOW: September
SEX: Around February
if you plant around here you should get 6 months veg and 2 months flower.
*Late Summer Crop*
SOW: December
SEX: Around February
*Autumn Crop*
SOW: February
SEX: Around April
*Winter Crop*
SOW: April
SEX: Around June
small plants with decent budz
there ya have it the ozzie planting times, follow these and you can happily up to four outdoor crops in oz.
also if your not from oz i believe taking each season back six months will be beneficial in some places ie April=October
always plant towards the sun too where i am from and all other ozzies that means if we ware on a hill we would plant it on the north facing side so it gets the sun (well call it the sunny side)
Tips On Growth
1) Pot Size
*a general rule of thumb is 3 gallons per foot of growth
*also remember watch how hot the pots get hot pots damage roots a good way to avoud this is find a way of shading the pots. ie put the pot inside a pot thats a little bet bigger.
* Make sure your pot doesnt let light through (some plastic ones are known for this) and is mainly a problem outdoors
2) Good Soil
A good soil is very importan im not going to get into the details of it as to theres so many ways and different soil mixes and methods out there its not funny. some people add nutes to there soil others dont they add them as needed its up to you. but what all it comes down to really is
*good drainage and water retension
the water should soak up the water easily and het a nice damp texture to it....a texture when damp you should be able to close your fist and make a ball that holds together nicely.
note: you should also be able to press on this ball and have it crumble nicely not stick together like mud.
*when the soils saturated meaning starting to puddle in the pot you should be able to leave it for a minute or two and come back to a nice damp soil. if not you should be able to see it draing out that means you got good drainage and the soil shouldnt be to clay like (some sand will help if your soil has shitty drainage.
if you make this your main priority when dealing with making/managing your soil your plants should have no problems developing roots and becoming a healthy plant.
*rocks in the bottom of a pot will also help with drainage.
3) maintain a good soil ph:
As we all should know marijuana is an acid loving plant which means in lamen terms: keep the ph correct
the higher a number like 8.2 for example is more alkaline than a reading of 6.3 which will be more acidic. so by going up on the scale your going down in acidity (more alkaline) and if you were getting lower numbers. your acid levels are rising.
you want to keep the soils ph around 6.8- 7.0, this will be ideal
for hydrophonics 5.5-6.8seem ideal.
but ya gotta remember every plants different ya cant expect every plant to like the same exact envioronment so if you follow the
it can cope with different variables i have merely listed the best environmental ph for the plants.
an added note...
well they are acid loving plants after all. and these numbers arent 100% to my likeing but still thought id mention it.
and although this is helpful id still go with the notes i provided and take what this smart man brought to my attention into account... it really does have some merrit ppl... follow any of these guidelines and you should be fine
you can lower ph (make more acidic) with vinegar
and make it more alkaline with lime
its important that you keep the ph up to scratch other wise you may get nute lock.... this will trick noobs into thinking theres not enough ferts in there and its missing something when really the ph is wrong and the plant just cant use whats already there.. symptoms of this normally appear when its too late to do anything.
4)choosing the right fertilizers...
Here's everything the plant really needs
Nitrogen (N)
Phosphorous (P)
Potassium (K)
Calcium (Ca)
Magnesium (Mg)
Sulphur (S)
Iron (Fe)
Manganese (Mn)
Copper (Cu)
Zinc (Zn)
Boron (B)
Molybdenum (Mo)
Chlorine (Cl)
Cobolt (Co)
Sodium (Na)
choosing the right ferts are simple really simple you just have to take into account that the plant needs more nitrogen during veg and more phosphorous and potassium during flower.
so taking that into account ya just want to get some ferts that are higher in N than P&K during veg.
Then for flower you need something higher in P&K than N
(note numbers made up on the spot off the top of my head; its just so you get the point)
VEG= 15:6:8
FLOWER= 4:11:13
you can also get a decent based fert with a good array of everything and add more nitrogen to the mix (ie urea and things of the sort) during veg and add more potassium (pot ash) during flower. its up to you.
tomato ferts are generally good for flower too
like i said the higher the nitrogen during veg the better= faster growth
and in flower more P&K this will cause the buds to swell nicely
you want to cease all ferts a week or two before the harvest and use water only. this will cause the plant to use up any excess ferts and drain them from the soil.... resulting in a better tasting smoke that doesnt crackle or have trouble burning when you light it
this is called a flushing the weed. we also do another version of this when dealing with nute burn. but when doing this with nute burn you simply flood the bucket with about two times its original mass so to flush a 20 gallon bucket use 40 gallons of water this should get rid of the build up of nutes and lower the soils ph
5) Compost
use what ya want im not gonna say your wrong but heres some thoughtful guidlines
use: grass clippings, wood ash, food scraps, seaweed, and animal manure
dont use: fiberous woody materials ie paper, straw, woodchips
Acceleration of composition
*turning regularly
* water
* lime
* nitrogen rich ferts
it should take about 8 weeks in hot weather 12 in colder conditions
6) choosing a good seed
a good seed is nice dark brown in colour and may have black specly like things on them.... whats more ya should be able to give them a little pinch and not have it crack on you. you will come across seeds that are pale/green or white like or break these are no good they are either duds, havent finished maturing or just developed shitty ways. you may get some even sprout but i preffer not to fuck around with them theyre a wast of time unless ya got nothing else. or got sent a shitty quality seed from a seedbank that ya dont wanna spend money for nothing on. i have never had this problem always healthy dark strong seeds no matter where i get it from
7) Germinating seeds
how i germ seeds
EVERYONE ALREADY HAS A HEATING PAD its called a tv or a dvd/video player anything of the sort....
anyways jesters germing methods
(just ya usual germ technique really lol)
items needed
1)some paper towel. tissues anything of the sort.
2)ziplock bag aka a sandwich bag
3)something that generates heat ie a tv (not a flatscreen lol) , video/dvd player etc.
4) a tea towel, something to block direct light
6)some good beans
using cotton wool method ( i think it could appeal 2 u is all)
1) a plastic container
2)cotton wool
4)some good beans
1)firstly ya want to get a nice piece of absorbent towel and put your beans in it.
2)then what you do is make sure there spread out nicely in a little patch and fold the towel over itself to cover them and hold them together.
3)i then wet the paper and seeds (note use water thats at room temperature)
4)next you put the paper towel that you just put the seeds in and wet inside the zip lock bag and seal it shut so no moisture gets out.
5)put the ziplock bag on top of the tv (the big back bit where the vents are not the screen)/ dvd player whatever you decided to use.
6) put the teatowel over it (you can use anything really, ya just want to block out direct light)
7)check every day or so there should always be enough moisture in there but it pays off to check on the beans and see how far along thy are.
i wait untill they have a decent bit of root on them and burry them just below the serface root down.
9) keep sufficient water on it and watch it break out the small layer of soil above them by the next few days and watch it break ut of the seed. show its cotlydons and start growing leaves
1)put cotton wool inside your container
2)sprinkle your beans in the container and over the cotton wool
3)move them around so there spaced nicely and push te beans in the cotton a little
4)wet the beans so theyre cotton is nicely damp and give em all another tiny SOFT push in (you want the cotton to be hugging them not have them just sitting on top so you may have to put more cotton in about now and cover the surface a little it helps it all stay damp, you may need to add a tiny more water if you added more cotton)
5)you can put them in on a heating pad or something. "i just put them somewhere they get soft sun and get good germ rates"
6)when i do it this way i either wait till they got a nice tap root sticking out of the seed then put them in soil.... or if im slack ill jst let them grow in this container till theyve got there cotlydons and firts set of leaves then i put them in dirt) thought this may appeal to you cos it can be a seedling before it hits the dirt

these arent my pics but i generally wait till the tap root is at LEAST as big as the center three in pic three or the one in the top right in pic 1
pest controll
there are many kinds of pest controll/ preventative measures available its just a matter of which way you want to go. i personally use some pretty good shit called Kill-A-Mite but that shit is almost guaranteed to work just a bit overkill for small infestations (my views just use less. heres a few other things ya might want to look into
*weak soapy water
*neem or something with pyrethium in it
*sticky strips used to catch flying bugs
*get a pesticide like my kill-a-mite
* there are chilli, garlic and other sprays of the sort you can make at home
*soapy water is supposed to help controll them too
You will have to stop using a lot of these well before harvest
as for animals you can make mini greenhouses for while there young and put mesh along the ground to avoid things digging it up.
you can put things around them ie fences if your at home or tubing around stem if your in the sticks. some people even take off tempting bottom growth what the small animals might eye off. all in all theres not much more you can do for them unless you wanna build a forte to protect them.. and thats not too subtle is it.
wind can be another pest really my only advise is plant somewhere theres a wind break or on the sunny side of a hill (where im from thats north)
*Always leave tap water to sit before use it will help the maintain a good ph and get rid of some of the chlorine and fluoride thats in the water = BETTER WATER FOR THE PLANTS THEY'LL THANK YOU (especially seedlings
* get some epsom salts..
though quite often caused by nute lock a lot of ferts just dont have the right amount of magnesium (if any) depends what you use. anyways if you find your fert is missing this a little of this with your next water will get rid of that little problem fast as. you will notice brownish spots and shit like that appearing on your leaves
* for soil thats too hard and wont drain soapy water will help. it conditions the soil and wont really harm the plants
if you havent already planted adding sand to soil will help it drain better if its got a drainage problem..
*dont think the worlds going to end just cos you get a nute deficiency, if you get one just look at what is needed and correct it (ill add a list for quick referance soon)
* to keep seedlings safe cut the bottom off a 2+ litre bottle and stick it over the seedling like a mini greenhouse.
* if a plant is getting to heavy for itself use a stake to hold it up as needed
* if a your plant has a break (not really for severd limbs and if you know how to graft y are you reading this lol) and you get to it guick enough just splint with matchsticks or something of the sort and wrap it in something it can breath through like a t shirt or cheese cloth... you may want to support the branch with a stake
* worms are good too they help maintain the soil and are good indicators to tell you if the grounds too wet..... theyll surface
*to deal with nute burn just feed the plants with over two times the origional buckets mass.... i just flood it for a while till im satisfied
* also if you cant afford pot ash you can use fire remains
1) Pot Size
*a general rule of thumb is 3 gallons per foot of growth
*also remember watch how hot the pots get hot pots damage roots a good way to avoud this is find a way of shading the pots. ie put the pot inside a pot thats a little bet bigger.
* Make sure your pot doesnt let light through (some plastic ones are known for this) and is mainly a problem outdoors
2) Good Soil
A good soil is very importan im not going to get into the details of it as to theres so many ways and different soil mixes and methods out there its not funny. some people add nutes to there soil others dont they add them as needed its up to you. but what all it comes down to really is
*good drainage and water retension
the water should soak up the water easily and het a nice damp texture to it....a texture when damp you should be able to close your fist and make a ball that holds together nicely.
note: you should also be able to press on this ball and have it crumble nicely not stick together like mud.
*when the soils saturated meaning starting to puddle in the pot you should be able to leave it for a minute or two and come back to a nice damp soil. if not you should be able to see it draing out that means you got good drainage and the soil shouldnt be to clay like (some sand will help if your soil has shitty drainage.
if you make this your main priority when dealing with making/managing your soil your plants should have no problems developing roots and becoming a healthy plant.
*rocks in the bottom of a pot will also help with drainage.
3) maintain a good soil ph:
As we all should know marijuana is an acid loving plant which means in lamen terms: keep the ph correct
the higher a number like 8.2 for example is more alkaline than a reading of 6.3 which will be more acidic. so by going up on the scale your going down in acidity (more alkaline) and if you were getting lower numbers. your acid levels are rising.
you want to keep the soils ph around 6.8- 7.0, this will be ideal
for hydrophonics 5.5-6.8seem ideal.
but ya gotta remember every plants different ya cant expect every plant to like the same exact envioronment so if you follow the
it can cope with different variables i have merely listed the best environmental ph for the plants.
an added note...
also a some people say a ph of 5.5 to 5.9 is good for this will help avoid nute lock namely magnesium deficiency especially with fussy strains. just another side note....THIS INFORMATION COURTESY OF Eza82 ;)
and although this is helpful id still go with the notes i provided and take what this smart man brought to my attention into account... it really does have some merrit ppl... follow any of these guidelines and you should be fine
you can lower ph (make more acidic) with vinegar
and make it more alkaline with lime
its important that you keep the ph up to scratch other wise you may get nute lock.... this will trick noobs into thinking theres not enough ferts in there and its missing something when really the ph is wrong and the plant just cant use whats already there.. symptoms of this normally appear when its too late to do anything.
4)choosing the right fertilizers...
Here's everything the plant really needs
Nitrogen (N)
Phosphorous (P)
Potassium (K)
Calcium (Ca)
Magnesium (Mg)
Sulphur (S)
Iron (Fe)
Manganese (Mn)
Copper (Cu)
Zinc (Zn)
Boron (B)
Molybdenum (Mo)
Chlorine (Cl)
Cobolt (Co)
Sodium (Na)
choosing the right ferts are simple really simple you just have to take into account that the plant needs more nitrogen during veg and more phosphorous and potassium during flower.
so taking that into account ya just want to get some ferts that are higher in N than P&K during veg.
Then for flower you need something higher in P&K than N
(note numbers made up on the spot off the top of my head; its just so you get the point)
VEG= 15:6:8
FLOWER= 4:11:13
you can also get a decent based fert with a good array of everything and add more nitrogen to the mix (ie urea and things of the sort) during veg and add more potassium (pot ash) during flower. its up to you.
tomato ferts are generally good for flower too

like i said the higher the nitrogen during veg the better= faster growth
and in flower more P&K this will cause the buds to swell nicely
you want to cease all ferts a week or two before the harvest and use water only. this will cause the plant to use up any excess ferts and drain them from the soil.... resulting in a better tasting smoke that doesnt crackle or have trouble burning when you light it

this is called a flushing the weed. we also do another version of this when dealing with nute burn. but when doing this with nute burn you simply flood the bucket with about two times its original mass so to flush a 20 gallon bucket use 40 gallons of water this should get rid of the build up of nutes and lower the soils ph
5) Compost
use what ya want im not gonna say your wrong but heres some thoughtful guidlines
use: grass clippings, wood ash, food scraps, seaweed, and animal manure
dont use: fiberous woody materials ie paper, straw, woodchips
Acceleration of composition
*turning regularly
* water
* lime
* nitrogen rich ferts
it should take about 8 weeks in hot weather 12 in colder conditions
6) choosing a good seed
a good seed is nice dark brown in colour and may have black specly like things on them.... whats more ya should be able to give them a little pinch and not have it crack on you. you will come across seeds that are pale/green or white like or break these are no good they are either duds, havent finished maturing or just developed shitty ways. you may get some even sprout but i preffer not to fuck around with them theyre a wast of time unless ya got nothing else. or got sent a shitty quality seed from a seedbank that ya dont wanna spend money for nothing on. i have never had this problem always healthy dark strong seeds no matter where i get it from

7) Germinating seeds
how i germ seeds
EVERYONE ALREADY HAS A HEATING PAD its called a tv or a dvd/video player anything of the sort....
anyways jesters germing methods
(just ya usual germ technique really lol)
items needed
1)some paper towel. tissues anything of the sort.
2)ziplock bag aka a sandwich bag
3)something that generates heat ie a tv (not a flatscreen lol) , video/dvd player etc.
4) a tea towel, something to block direct light
6)some good beans
using cotton wool method ( i think it could appeal 2 u is all)
1) a plastic container
2)cotton wool
4)some good beans
1)firstly ya want to get a nice piece of absorbent towel and put your beans in it.
2)then what you do is make sure there spread out nicely in a little patch and fold the towel over itself to cover them and hold them together.
3)i then wet the paper and seeds (note use water thats at room temperature)
4)next you put the paper towel that you just put the seeds in and wet inside the zip lock bag and seal it shut so no moisture gets out.
5)put the ziplock bag on top of the tv (the big back bit where the vents are not the screen)/ dvd player whatever you decided to use.
6) put the teatowel over it (you can use anything really, ya just want to block out direct light)
7)check every day or so there should always be enough moisture in there but it pays off to check on the beans and see how far along thy are.

9) keep sufficient water on it and watch it break out the small layer of soil above them by the next few days and watch it break ut of the seed. show its cotlydons and start growing leaves
1)put cotton wool inside your container
2)sprinkle your beans in the container and over the cotton wool
3)move them around so there spaced nicely and push te beans in the cotton a little
4)wet the beans so theyre cotton is nicely damp and give em all another tiny SOFT push in (you want the cotton to be hugging them not have them just sitting on top so you may have to put more cotton in about now and cover the surface a little it helps it all stay damp, you may need to add a tiny more water if you added more cotton)
5)you can put them in on a heating pad or something. "i just put them somewhere they get soft sun and get good germ rates"
6)when i do it this way i either wait till they got a nice tap root sticking out of the seed then put them in soil.... or if im slack ill jst let them grow in this container till theyve got there cotlydons and firts set of leaves then i put them in dirt) thought this may appeal to you cos it can be a seedling before it hits the dirt

these arent my pics but i generally wait till the tap root is at LEAST as big as the center three in pic three or the one in the top right in pic 1

there are many kinds of pest controll/ preventative measures available its just a matter of which way you want to go. i personally use some pretty good shit called Kill-A-Mite but that shit is almost guaranteed to work just a bit overkill for small infestations (my views just use less. heres a few other things ya might want to look into
*weak soapy water
*neem or something with pyrethium in it
*sticky strips used to catch flying bugs
*get a pesticide like my kill-a-mite
* there are chilli, garlic and other sprays of the sort you can make at home
*soapy water is supposed to help controll them too
You will have to stop using a lot of these well before harvest
as for animals you can make mini greenhouses for while there young and put mesh along the ground to avoid things digging it up.
you can put things around them ie fences if your at home or tubing around stem if your in the sticks. some people even take off tempting bottom growth what the small animals might eye off. all in all theres not much more you can do for them unless you wanna build a forte to protect them.. and thats not too subtle is it.
wind can be another pest really my only advise is plant somewhere theres a wind break or on the sunny side of a hill (where im from thats north)
*Always leave tap water to sit before use it will help the maintain a good ph and get rid of some of the chlorine and fluoride thats in the water = BETTER WATER FOR THE PLANTS THEY'LL THANK YOU (especially seedlings

* get some epsom salts..
though quite often caused by nute lock a lot of ferts just dont have the right amount of magnesium (if any) depends what you use. anyways if you find your fert is missing this a little of this with your next water will get rid of that little problem fast as. you will notice brownish spots and shit like that appearing on your leaves
* for soil thats too hard and wont drain soapy water will help. it conditions the soil and wont really harm the plants
if you havent already planted adding sand to soil will help it drain better if its got a drainage problem..
*dont think the worlds going to end just cos you get a nute deficiency, if you get one just look at what is needed and correct it (ill add a list for quick referance soon)
* to keep seedlings safe cut the bottom off a 2+ litre bottle and stick it over the seedling like a mini greenhouse.
* if a plant is getting to heavy for itself use a stake to hold it up as needed
* if a your plant has a break (not really for severd limbs and if you know how to graft y are you reading this lol) and you get to it guick enough just splint with matchsticks or something of the sort and wrap it in something it can breath through like a t shirt or cheese cloth... you may want to support the branch with a stake
* worms are good too they help maintain the soil and are good indicators to tell you if the grounds too wet..... theyll surface
*to deal with nute burn just feed the plants with over two times the origional buckets mass.... i just flood it for a while till im satisfied
* also if you cant afford pot ash you can use fire remains
just some quick things to help a noob get startedCover the splint in cloning gel,it will prevent air,disease and mould and help to seal the wound much more quickly.
No it wont root out of the top,lol![]()

When To Harvest
thanks marduk from planet skunk
There is a lot of different oppinions about when exactly to harvest your plant. when you do is up to you.
1)a good rule of thumb however is when 60 to 80 percent of the hairs have turned a brown, orange or amber colour.
2)or another way is to get a magnifying scope and look for browning of the trichomes (trich's) .. when they start browning they are at theyre peak
the earlier you pick within this gap influences the kind of high you will get as well earlier picked bud will generally have more of a cerebral effect....
where as if you let it mature more (allow more hairs to turn red and show signs of aging or trich's turing amber) you will get more of a couch lock stoned to it.
the reason for this is because once the plant has reached its peak it the trichromes start to convert themselves from thc to cbd giving you the more couch lock stoned...... that i personally love..
but for best results you gotta get a nice mix thats my views.and every strain is different i have merely provided you with some good rule of thumb here
Drying And Curing
you can always speed dry for a fast smoke but heres how to get some nice tasting smoke
also remember to keep seperate strains sepearate other wise the flavours mix and you dont get the seperate flavours
well now that we have the when to harvest down pat we gotta know the basics behind curing. ...Curing is an important process because it is one of the most important steps in obtaining good tasting dank smoke... right along with flushing for the last bit of growth
the best environment for drying and curing buds is a well aired. dark dry maybe even hot environment (if you can find one it makes for a faster cure).... light will degrade the thc.

google pics
although a good way to do this is hang the plant (or single trimmed colas and branches like i do) upside down in a dark well ventilated area that wont get too humid and allow the bud to get moldy...
when you use branches hanging them off string in a box or a dark room as stated above works...
basically ya just want to dry them in a dark well airated place where they wont be to humid or touch this will allow mold to set in
first things first i like to trim all the fan leaves off and trim the leaves back to have nice manicured buds to hang. and wont get leafy buds when finished. you will get tight compact nugz thats it
drying your weed alone isnt enough it will only make it smokeable if you want to fully enjoy smoking the stuff its recommended..
1) to leave hanging till dry. from here you want to either break your plant down if you hung a whole one or if already small put them in some paper bags....
this will help draw out any excess moisture cos your going to be putting them in airtight containers to ferment ie mason jars or tupperware containers and if any moistures left it will cause mold.
2) a good way to test this is to put the buds in a plastic or ziplock bag for a few days and see if it gets moisture on it... of so wait a bit longer..
3) then comes the bit i was talking about
you then put the dry buds in the mason jar, tupperware container whatever you chose (its got to be air tight).. fill it up as much as possible fill in any gaps.... the less air the better ppl
4) check this a few times each day if you find its still wet just take out and wrap in paper or put somewhere hot and dark (even back in paper bags would be good (not humid tho we dont want mold remember)
repeat this for a while to let the buds ferment and gain its flavour..
then its happy smoking ppl

Storing The Buds
or youll get mold
anyhoo store an airtight container and in a dry dark place depending on the container....
just make sure it doesnt get too hot or allow any mousture in or mold up on ya.
if done right its kinda like curing for longer and may help the flavour
thanks marduk from planet skunk
There is a lot of different oppinions about when exactly to harvest your plant. when you do is up to you.
1)a good rule of thumb however is when 60 to 80 percent of the hairs have turned a brown, orange or amber colour.
2)or another way is to get a magnifying scope and look for browning of the trichomes (trich's) .. when they start browning they are at theyre peak

the earlier you pick within this gap influences the kind of high you will get as well earlier picked bud will generally have more of a cerebral effect....
where as if you let it mature more (allow more hairs to turn red and show signs of aging or trich's turing amber) you will get more of a couch lock stoned to it.
the reason for this is because once the plant has reached its peak it the trichromes start to convert themselves from thc to cbd giving you the more couch lock stoned...... that i personally love..
but for best results you gotta get a nice mix thats my views.and every strain is different i have merely provided you with some good rule of thumb here

Drying And Curing
you can always speed dry for a fast smoke but heres how to get some nice tasting smoke
also remember to keep seperate strains sepearate other wise the flavours mix and you dont get the seperate flavours
well now that we have the when to harvest down pat we gotta know the basics behind curing. ...Curing is an important process because it is one of the most important steps in obtaining good tasting dank smoke... right along with flushing for the last bit of growth

the best environment for drying and curing buds is a well aired. dark dry maybe even hot environment (if you can find one it makes for a faster cure).... light will degrade the thc.

google pics
although a good way to do this is hang the plant (or single trimmed colas and branches like i do) upside down in a dark well ventilated area that wont get too humid and allow the bud to get moldy...
when you use branches hanging them off string in a box or a dark room as stated above works...
basically ya just want to dry them in a dark well airated place where they wont be to humid or touch this will allow mold to set in
first things first i like to trim all the fan leaves off and trim the leaves back to have nice manicured buds to hang. and wont get leafy buds when finished. you will get tight compact nugz thats it

drying your weed alone isnt enough it will only make it smokeable if you want to fully enjoy smoking the stuff its recommended..
1) to leave hanging till dry. from here you want to either break your plant down if you hung a whole one or if already small put them in some paper bags....
this will help draw out any excess moisture cos your going to be putting them in airtight containers to ferment ie mason jars or tupperware containers and if any moistures left it will cause mold.
2) a good way to test this is to put the buds in a plastic or ziplock bag for a few days and see if it gets moisture on it... of so wait a bit longer..
3) then comes the bit i was talking about
you then put the dry buds in the mason jar, tupperware container whatever you chose (its got to be air tight).. fill it up as much as possible fill in any gaps.... the less air the better ppl
4) check this a few times each day if you find its still wet just take out and wrap in paper or put somewhere hot and dark (even back in paper bags would be good (not humid tho we dont want mold remember)
repeat this for a while to let the buds ferment and gain its flavour..
then its happy smoking ppl

Storing The Buds
or youll get mold
anyhoo store an airtight container and in a dry dark place depending on the container....
just make sure it doesnt get too hot or allow any mousture in or mold up on ya.
if done right its kinda like curing for longer and may help the flavour