Outdoor plant being eaten


New Member
Hey all first time grower here, started both of these (gorilla autos) in my indoor tent however I ran out of room. They're both growing in a mix of Coco coir and perlite, being fed with Professors nutrients A&B daily.

The indoor plant is doing fine from what I can tell, no deficiencies, growing rapidly, looks nice and green etc so no worries there.

The outdoor plant however is being eaten more and more. After moving it outside a week ago I wasn't too concerned seeing a few nips eaten out of a couple leaves but now something's having a good munch.

I'm not against spraying anything on the plant to stop pests, but as this is my first time growing anything what should I buy to help it out? Don't want to end up spraying something on it that ruins the buds in the end.

I do keep the outdoor plant in one or those cheap walk in greenhouses since it's nice and humid, should I just keep it outside in the sun instead?

After some quick research it seems the go-to for a few people is something called Neem, is this viable? If so how is it used?

Any and all advice appreciated, cheers, seems like a good community!


Farmer's Hat

Well-Known Member
I would put down some plastic and cover up that grass. That would definitely help keep the bugs at bay. The little critters usually hide underneath the pot and munch on the plant at night.


Well-Known Member
Sulpher smoker if it is in a greenhouse. Broad spectrum pest and pathogen fix. Protective gear required but it is a knockout. When I grew walls of tpmatoes i used a small sulpher smoke squirter but the hanging buckets are $60 bucks. I just got a big one for my tent going to drag it outside and bomb it.


Well-Known Member
I spray a basic “insecticidal soap” mixed with water, as needed. Make sure you do it at dusk (if you’re outside) or right before “lights out” inside, because it can make the plant susceptible to burn.