Outdoor Organic Help ?? Plus Rep if you post !!!! And post your Pics too !!!


New Member
Hi all.

Ohk so i will hope-fully be doing a outdoor organic grow and i was going to do subs super soil in pots and do everything fancy but... Na, i always over do it and f#*k up, so lets keep it cheap, simple and SWEET !!

Lets do a good old organic manure, compost garden, 11 plants half will be male which i will remove and breed with some nice girls !! all TGA strains - good genetics.

so i will find a nice patch and churn the soil, add 30% composted manure ( of all kinds of animals ), 30% new top soil and 30% compost and add blood and bone, pea straw - any more suggestions ??

^^^^^^^^ so i dont want to burn my precious seedlings, so will start in pots with soiless mix - Peat, pelite, vermiculite, worm castings, neem pellets and dolomite lime !!! - good mix ??:neutral:

after 2-3 weeks i will transplant into the soil mix ^^^^ of manure ect...:-?

so how do i transplant without burning the plants and stuff ect....

so help me out on every thing!!!! every one !!

Cheers and also post your organic plant pics !!!:mrgreen:

Peace, have a good one:blsmoke:kiss-ass
If you're doing organic you can't burn your plants. Check my signature. Organic is the best.
cheers man organic is awesome !!!!!

just been up north !! perfect weather for growing !!

sweet dude !!! what soil you use ??

I make my own soil. Weather was getting bad here for a while. The big girl in my pics got leveled by a windstorm about 3 days ago. Broke my heart, it was my first grow.

I just ordered a complete setup with an air cooled 400w switchable. Mother nature can kiss my ass on my next grow, I'm bringing it indoors.
When you start collecting your manures and compost keep in mind that range fed chickens have the best manure but you need to compost it really well because it's high in nitrogen (birds have one hole).
worm castings are really hot for seedlings, they do well in just a bag of seed starter like light warrior.
when your ready to move from pot into ground, do it about an hour after watering,simply dig out a hole about 12-15 inches round and the same deep, fill with supersoil, dig out center of supersoil so your pot fits right in it, flip plant over with your hand around the base and wiggle the whole thing out,flip it over and stick in hole,push soil in around it and your done.
i like to mix promix with whatever base soil i'm using. so for example, i'll use a mixture of ocean forest with mostly promix, maybe a third OF. you can also ad some coco in there as well.

i've also started seeds in straight OF, just anything that holds a good amount of air