Outdoor Odor Control


Looking for tips for outdoor growing odor control. I know there really isn't much you can do but I've heard there are other fragrant plants you can grow to help mask the cannabis smells. Any ideas would be appreciated!
Well....The fragrant plants impart a taste. Around here, if the plants are grown around cedar. 'Juniper' for Yankees. It'll have an aftertaste of cedar.

Have no idea why but it'll taste like the area it was grown.
Looking for tips for outdoor growing odor control. I know there really isn't much you can do but I've heard there are other fragrant plants you can grow to help mask the cannabis smells. Any ideas would be appreciated!
Well if you are trying to mask the odor and your plants have a skunky smell like mine, use road kill skunk. I plan on doing that on the road at the closest point to my plants. Just to throw off anyone getting an idea that there are any plants in that area. I just dread getting the damn thing.
Well if you are trying to mask the odor and your plants have a skunky smell like mine, use road kill skunk. I plan on doing that on the road at the closest point to my plants. Just to throw off anyone getting an idea that there are any plants in that area. I just dread getting the damn thing.

I'm confused on what you're trying to say. Are you talking about throwing a dead skunk on the road by your grow or talking about growing the strain RKS?
I'm confused on what you're trying to say. Are you talking about throwing a dead skunk on the road by your grow or talking about growing the strain RKS?
Dead skunk in the middle of the road. Oh no! Definitely not looking forward to it.

However there's chickens nearby, so plenty of justification for a skunk to be found on the road in that area.
Plants stink the most right before lights on. When mine get bad, I wake up early to turn on the ozone machine for an hour.
Go get yourself a few rosemary plants and basil plants. Rosemary will grow quite large, and smells wonderful. (And makes the best kabob marinade on earth).

Those two together planted at intervals around your grow will cover up a good amount of the odor. Even when it doesn't cover it, it will blend with it and disguise it.
Go get yourself a few rosemary plants and basil plants. Rosemary will grow quite large, and smells wonderful. (And makes the best kabob marinade on earth).

Those two together planted at intervals around your grow will cover up a good amount of the odor. Even when it doesn't cover it, it will blend with it and disguise it.

If for any reason you have a bad odor before you can get your spice plants off the ground, get yourself some deer repellant. That stuff stinks to high hell, man. I mean BAD. (You'll WISH you had gone with the dead skunk.)

But if anybody ask, you can tell them you've had a problem with deer eating your spices and such and you've put the repellant down. They'll understand completely when you pull the jug out and let them take a whiff of it.
Only idea I could come up with. I am open to suggestions to cover White Widow and AK47 smell. Too late to go buy any spice plants.

I'm currently growing 4 white widow outdoors in my backyard in Detroit. I grew Perkins cut of AK47 indoors one time before, indoors with a carbon filter you could smell it out in the street. I got the ak cut from a buddy who grew 8k with it, he has ozone and fliters and you could smell it a block away...

I would still never try to cover up a skunky scent with skunk lol
My plants only smell when I'm good and close, I like to think the half mile through thickets will keep folks from getting close enough to smell