My dad taught me a trick back in the 80's that where he would take a 5 gln bucket & mix up a "super soil" his soil hade enough nutrients in it to carry a plant that he started indoors that was atleast 12" tall all through vegging & flowering, with minimal yellowing at the end of flowering stage!!

And transplant it into his buckets, take um out in the woods, tie a rope around the handle & toss it around a low hanging branch then pull it up & tie it off!! He taught me this to keep "thieves" from stealing my crops!! And it worked too!!!

Just don't 4 get to drill ya a few drain holes in the bottom of the buckets!! And he/we didn't go back & water unless it was absolutely had to, like if it didn't rain for 4 to 5 days! Reason being is because he said that we would make a "path" way to our plants, leading people right to them!! Needless to say we where going back in middle Oct. To harvest!! Haha..