Outdoor growing in Toronto. When to start germinating seeds?

First off, newbie here, My apologies if my question has already been answered before; I did searched the site for the answer, but couldn’t find it.

the scenario/question:
I’m in toronto and plan growing outdoors this summer. Plan on germinating the seeds in a window sill aided by a grow bulb. My goal is to ultimately transplant the seedlings in the garden on the May 24 weekend. Any advice on when to start germinating the seeds. I assumed beginning of April, but wondered if it I should start earlier so they’ll finish earlier in the fall? Because of the threat of frost, I don’t want to put them in the ground before May 24. TIA.
How big do you want them to get? Are they going into outdoor pots or direct into the ground?
I have put out plants at 2-3 feet and got 10+ foot plants in SW Ontario, but also just put out a six inch, 3-4 week old plant that still grew to 8 feet. It all depends how much sun and nutrients they get.
Thanks. They’ll be in the ground. I’m not too focused on size, more concerned about when to pop the seeds so the seedlings will be ready for May 24. for example, if I pop them in February, will the seedlings survive in a window sill under sun aided with a grow bulb until May 24? Or should I not pop them until April? I don’t have access to a grow room. TIA.
Im probably further north than you 56ish in Scotland we dont kick our stuff out till mid may after the solstice before it just causes reveg most likely here so yeah id say april for you
Thanks. They’ll be in the ground. I’m not too focused on size, more concerned about when to pop the seeds so the seedlings will be ready for May 24. for example, if I pop them in February, will the seedlings survive in a window sill under sun aided with a grow bulb until May 24? Or should I not pop them until April? I don’t have access to a grow room. TIA.
I am lot farther south than you but I drop seeds in a solo cup in the middle of April and they go into the ground early in May.

Solo cups and all get planted for about a week before they actually go into the ground. I punch some holes in the side of the cups to allow a little contact with the soil.

I don't know if that helps the new plant but it neutralizes temps and allows a small amount of the soil nutes to get the root used to it. Then it gets planted.