outdoor growing/ 3 weeks so far

Hi i consider myself a newbie because this is my first time ever having a seed sprout and having it grow. Its been 3 weeks of off and on sunlight and my sprout looks healthy and is getting its 6th rigid leaves (i dont really know how to describe it).

I want to move to indoor growing but i dont know what lights/and etc to purchase (just incase my plant dies :/)

What are low priced growing supplies i can purchase at lets say Walmart or something?

My sprout is Og banana kush


Active Member
ok since your new ill give you the crash coars

stay away from maricle grow. buy a decent organic soil WITHOUT time release nutrients, those can hurt you later when your fertalize.

CFL's Compact Florescent Lights, its those energy saving spiral light bulbs, look for an area on the bulb package that has a number like 6500k, which is the way they list relative color temperature, 6500k is best for vegitative, 2700k is best for flowering. higher the wattage the better. a 26watt 6500k cfl puts out about 1700L (lumens that is a measument of light) you need a bare minimum of 3000 lumens per square foot of floorspace to get anykind of decent results, and more is better 5-7000 would be pretty good. but then your in the MH or HPS bulbs and ballasts

buy a decent ph test kit, a large bottle of ph down, and a small bottle of ph up (wal mart, petco, pool supply) pot likes the mid 6 range.

look up a recipe for soil here on the site find one that looks right for you, i like worm casting and guano myself, little pearlite rough potting soil and some peatmoss.

eventually buy a full mineral supplement, like foxfarm, or some other equivalent product.

start researching how to clone now.

start looking for a secure area that no one will question being locked all the time. think ahead you need to have power there, and be able to vent out hot/warm air, vent in cool.

theres some rope's