Outdoor grow uk


New Member
Hi people. I am an outdoor grower, first time tried and apart from my last two which are nearly ready ive had nearly a dozen successful plants in my garden this year.
BUT i have two left, standing nearly 8 ft tall now and PACKED with buds. But im worried the weathers getting to cold and its going to slow down harvest time... also, ive noticed leaves yellowing and drooping quite alot over the last couple of days..
Any suggestions please? Im in east of england, so its getting cold now!



Well-Known Member
Last I looked UK coppers just love a bloke standing next to his plant????

you have many options open to you, potup and take them inside for some 12x12

cut them to a bubble cloner in 2ft sections

let them go to bud with increasing dusk they'll be ready about Christmas,

but you have Pm to deal with yet ...neem oil is good for that