Outdoor grow south ireand


Active Member
Hey guys finally got some of my seeds to germanate,out of 20 seeds only 4 grew (bagseed some of them were dodgy),well they have been growing the past week maybe 1 1/2 weeks there growing very slowly i think due the tempretures not geting very high max was between 12-18 C during day time tempretures with the night time around 6-10 C which is still prity cold for weed but its worth a chance. here are a few pics of the 4 plants that i have(sorry about the pic quailty it was taken on a phone) : DSC00003.jpgDSC00004.jpgDSC00005.jpgDSC00006.jpg

There all in about 1 gallon pots with soil that is used specifically for tomatoes so it should be good.the first pic is of the biggest one only being an inch or 2,the rest are a little bit smaller but look healthy enough so im going to see how it goes ill try keep people updated as it goes along :D

any tips or hints along the way if you think would help please do :leaf: Peace!



Well-Known Member
i dunno m8 hopefully they will survive but its really i good idea to veg ya plants to a decent size indoors b4 ya put em outside in the UK, ive only tried outdoor in the uk once last summer n had a good success with it but she was already at least a ft n half big when we put her outdoor.

this yr we r doing PPP,bubblegum,chronic and acoulpolco gold all outdoor.


Active Member
there after getting double the size already....Ah its only for a bit of fun im not expecting anything from them tbh but its nice to watch erm grow :)