Outdoor Grow Questions


So I'm a total noob when it comes to growing, but I've got seeds in the mail and a foolproof (hah) plan to get these little beans to transform into delicious buds.

I'd appreciate anyone with experience critiquing my plan

Unfortunately it's going to be a guerrilla grow because I'm living with my parents for now. To make matters worse, I have nowhere in the house to strengthen the seedlings before I throw them out into the wild.

I think I have a good idea to minimise the harm, though. I've got several large plastic bottles which I'll fill with soil and plant the seeds inside once they've germinated. After they sprout I'll take them to the grow spot and leave them until they get too big for the bottles, then chop the bottoms and tops off the bottles and bury them in pre-prepared holes. They'll be 10" tall by then so hopefully with a bit of watering, nutrient-giving and applying slug pellets, they slowly grow into nice big indicas and I reap the harvest several months later after killing the males.

Any thoughts? Am I doing something horribly wrong and not realising it?

Oh and another noob question that I can't find the answer for - how should I germinate the seeds? I've heard paper towels is a bad idea because it breaks the microscopic root foundations, and I've heard soaking in water is a bad idea because it deprives them of oxygen, *then* I've heard it's easy to accidentally germ them upside down in soil which kills them.

HELP! lol


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a plan, must be nice out where you live cuz its way to late to do anything outside here. Seeds aren't stupid, they should grow even if upside down. it may help them a little if placed right side up, but a plant will overcome some environmental obstacles. Just think if they were in the wild and fell from a plant, what would guarantee they land right side up ? I often wonder if you placed a seed in the fall, would it sprout come spring ? might be worth a try for S&G

Meth On Zombies

Active Member
Wrap some chicken wire around the seedling when you start growing it, so wild animals wont eat your girl. As for germinating them, I germed mine using the paper towel method, and many of my veggies in that manner and I get amazing success rates.


Sounds like a plan, must be nice out where you live cuz its way to late to do anything outside here. Seeds aren't stupid, they should grow even if upside down. it may help them a little if placed right side up, but a plant will overcome some environmental obstacles. Just think if they were in the wild and fell from a plant, what would guarantee they land right side up ? I often wonder if you placed a seed in the fall, would it sprout come spring ? might be worth a try for S&G
Heh that's exactly what I've been thinking, but at $6 a seed I want to make sure I do everything perfectly. And sorry to disappoint you, but I'm growing in Australia so my plants won't be lab rats for your experiment :razz:. Cheers

Wrap some chicken wire around the seedling when you start growing it, so wild animals wont eat your girl. As for germinating them, I germed mine using the paper towel method, and many of my veggies in that manner and I get amazing success rates.
Luckily I don't have to worry about deer or rabbits gobbling my plants where I live, wrapping chicken wire around a grow would make it really obvious where I plan to plant them. I had a bit of an 'oh fffffu-' moment today when I was looking at pictures of young plants - I'm relying on other plants disguising them and the pictures I saw were CLEARLY cannabis. Do you think most people would realise what they were looking at?

Thanks :)


Active Member
My advice to you is. . . .. . . . Lower your expectations, pick a spot and roll with it. If someone finds it, move on.

The bottles sound like they're not needed. Find an area that has a water source that the roots can tap into. Water it for a few weeks then once it finds the ground water your good. But from what I know about Australia (which is pretty much Crocodile Hunter, and Survivor Man on Discovery Channel), There may not be any lol.

Coke bottles bad idea, looks like trash and draws attention. I bet the plant draws more attention when it is flowering and is shiny and smelly.

Meth On Zombies

Active Member
All I know of Australia is that everything there is trying to kill you, from the ants, spiders, sharks, crocks, and dingos, but if there was a place where wild bamboo grows, that's where I'd plant my guerrilla grow.


My advice to you is. . . .. . . . Lower your expectations, pick a spot and roll with it. If someone finds it, move on.

The bottles sound like they're not needed. Find an area that has a water source that the roots can tap into. Water it for a few weeks then once it finds the ground water your good. But from what I know about Australia (which is pretty much Crocodile Hunter, and Survivor Man on Discovery Channel), There may not be any lol.

Coke bottles bad idea, looks like trash and draws attention. I bet the plant draws more attention when it is flowering and is shiny and smelly.
Yeah, I think I'm probably expecting too much. I'd be fairly happy with one female plant making it to harvest though, so I don't think I'll be disappointed. I figure planting ten plants at five spots is the best idea - at most I'll have two plants at each spot, probably one in each because I'll kill the males.

As for the bottles, I think you misread my post - I'm just keeping them in bottles until they're big enough to survive on their own. A heavy rain or strong wind could kill them if I just planted the freshly germed seeds in the ground.

Haha hollywood has lied to you :roll: there are a few murky pools of water nearby that I could use
Thanks for the advice :)

All I know of Australia is that everything there is trying to kill you, from the ants, spiders, sharks, crocks, and dingos, but if there was a place where wild bamboo grows, that's where I'd plant my guerrilla grow.
Damn, that's a great idea. I'm not sure if rangers would destroy it though, since it's such a pest. I'll keep an eye out for bamboo patches anyway, it would be great cover.
LOL, snakes are a bugger actually. It's perfectly safe to walk in deep grass with snakes so long as you make lots of noise... but obviously I won't be doing that. A good pair of gumboots and some heavy walking should keep me safe, I hope.


Also just out of interest, I went on Google Earth and found a park very similar to the one I plan on planting in. Say the red dots were grow spots with one plant each, and the blue lines are bush walking trails. It it reasonable to expect the plants would reach maturity without being discovered if the bush isn't patrolled or gardened? grow.jpg


Active Member
So I'm a total noob when it comes to growing, but I've got seeds in the mail and a foolproof (hah) plan to get these little beans to transform into delicious buds.

I'd appreciate anyone with experience critiquing my plan

Unfortunately it's going to be a guerrilla grow because I'm living with my parents for now. To make matters worse, I have nowhere in the house to strengthen the seedlings before I throw them out into the wild.

I think I have a good idea to minimise the harm, though. I've got several large plastic bottles which I'll fill with soil and plant the seeds inside once they've germinated. After they sprout I'll take them to the grow spot and leave them until they get too big for the bottles, then chop the bottoms and tops off the bottles and bury them in pre-prepared holes. They'll be 10" tall by then so hopefully with a bit of watering, nutrient-giving and applying slug pellets, they slowly grow into nice big indicas and I reap the harvest several months later after killing the males.

Any thoughts? Am I doing something horribly wrong and not realising it?

Oh and another noob question that I can't find the answer for - how should I germinate the seeds? I've heard paper towels is a bad idea because it breaks the microscopic root foundations, and I've heard soaking in water is a bad idea because it deprives them of oxygen, *then* I've heard it's easy to accidentally germ them upside down in soil which kills them.

HELP! lol
Once you germ them in a paper towel you'll see, seeds be crazy, they don't care where they're facing they're just gonna try to jab any soil in any direction with that root, what's really important is getting them out in time, not so little that they'll not make the cut, but also don't leave it until they've used up all their energy, get them planted as soon as you have say one and a half centimetres of root showing. This is how I've gotten my two biggest and I wish I'd had the patience to do that with the rest.

As for a guerilla grow your impotant thing to do is find a well-lit spot with as few animals as possible, deer near me tend to chew up plants and not even eat them properly, which is why I don't do it. A friend of mine recently put out eleven plants and came back to four in just three days.


Hey mate,

Im in a similar situation... am looking at doing a bush grow because I just dont have the space where I live atm. However, my first issue is that I dont even have seeds! So I can get em started where I live now, but would need to move them in the future.. Pain in the ass..

Personally, I would stay away from common paths and walking trails because a high traffic area will only draw attention to your crop - in addition, it makes things a lot harder for you when you need to visit for maintenance or harvesting... Its a tough one, but i would take some time to sus out a few places.

where abouts ya from anyway?


Yeah I think I'm overthinking the germination - I'll just chuck them on some wet paper towel between two plates under my bed. Man that sucks for your friend, I can't imagine how I'd feel if most of my plants were dead three days in. That's why I'm worried - I can't make them nice and strong before planting them in my hidden spot, so I have two choices:

1. Just plant them out and hope they don't die from wind/insects/rain/sun
2. Plant the germinated seeds in plastic bottles and wait until they're bigger before I plant them in the ground

Option 1 means lots will probably die, option 2 means they're far more likely to be found and destroyed. Perhaps I'll just climb a tree and wedge all ten bottles really high...

Pwee I agree, I'm going to plant them smack bang in the middle of two trails so it's the furthest possible distance from any people casually walking around. I don't think we aussies have to worry about rippers or cops searching for plants, which is great because the only risk is from bush walkers stumbling across them and THEN recognising them. The annoying thing about my spot is that there aren't any roads beside the bush so I need to walk down a residential road to get in, so every time I walk in there is going to be a whole street full of people who can see me and wonder what I'm doing.

Sorry bud, sharing my location probably isn't the best idea.


Sorry mate, I did not mean to be intrusive - I was just curious to know which state yer in and which seed bank you ordered with cuz I have some beans (hopefully) on their way from seedboutique and given the nature of our tight ass customs, im paranoid they wont get here (naturally) so im gonna have to try an alt seed bank if you know what i mean.... I put a bit of coin into this order so i would be quite devistated if it doesnt get here... if they do, then wooo!!!!!!! off I go to find a bush plot! (sorry didnt meant to high jack this thread either!) Am in a very similar position to ya self, so hopefully can learn as much as possible from you :)


No problem, honestly I'm real tightly wound up about all this because it's the first time I've done it and it's making me tense knowing that if I get caught I'm in for a world of trouble. I ordered from Seedsdirect.info, the guy who runs it sent me a picture of where they were hidden in the package and it seems pretty well done so I have hope. I know exactly how you feel though, it scares me to think I might have spent $65 on something that's going to get taken by customs, and it makes me even more uneasy to know that the generous bastard gave me twice as many seeds as I paid for just to be nice. Awesome guy, but I hope 20 seeds isn't enough for customs to bother a controlled delivery, especially because for some reason he sent them via Signed For mail. Sketchy.

The customs is the same in every state, they only go through one customs checkpoint and then they aren't x-rayed or sniffed when they travel through the country.

Are you planting this year? I think we're almost too late, better hurry our asses if we want to get a decent harvest


Well, if thats the case (re: 1 entry checkpoint with no xray/sniffers) then Im feeling a bit better about it now :)

Ive got the same number of beans on their way, but I plan on keeping a few for next year.. Since im down south, the weather hasnt warmed up enough yet, so I think we should be right in terms of end of season harvests.. Besides, im gonna have a few different strains so im yet to plan how im gonna go about it all.. im def up for a bush operation! The thought of going trecking and locating a site is exciting!!

Have you already prepped each of your plant sites? As in dug up each of the sites, airated the soil, spread some fertiliser (blood n bone, compost etc)?


Well, if thats the case (re: 1 entry checkpoint with no xray/sniffers) then Im feeling a bit better about it now :)

Ive got the same number of beans on their way, but I plan on keeping a few for next year.. Since im down south, the weather hasnt warmed up enough yet, so I think we should be right in terms of end of season harvests.. Besides, im gonna have a few different strains so im yet to plan how im gonna go about it all.. im def up for a bush operation! The thought of going trecking and locating a site is exciting!!

Have you already prepped each of your plant sites? As in dug up each of the sites, airated the soil, spread some fertiliser (blood n bone, compost etc)?
Nope, I don't plan on doing anything until the plants are a few weeks old. If they get discovered or die I would have wasted a bunch of time and money for nothing. I don't need to do much prep anyway - the soil is pretty decent so I just plan to dig it up and loosen it up to get air into it, then put some nutes into it and pack it all back down.

And yeah I haven't found all my grow sites yet either. I know the general area but I'm still debating whether to plant a few in random small parks. There really aren't any *great* spots where I can walk an hour into bush land to plant, so I have to be careful. I assume most reserves and parks in decent neighbourhoods are all gardened so those are out of the question.

Do you have any fear of getting caught?

Oh and yes, I'm saving half my seeds for next year. Assuming 50/50 male female, I'll end up with 5 plants if I plant 10. 5 is more than enough, 10 is getting into serious you're-going-to-prison level growing.


Good call - re: not prepping till everything is in order.

As for fear - fear keeps you limited.. I read this quote once "You can assume the worst and allow that to keep you paralyzed, or you can decide to stop wasting your energy analyzing evidence, and focus instead of creating possibilities."

Now whether you apply that in growing a bush stash, or applying for a job you think you might not get - the quote resonates a lot of truth that can be applied in other areas of life. So dont let it bother you so much.

So the answer is no. I have just found a new hobby in bush walking and as an amateur photographer, I am expanding my landscape portfolio through bush walking and going off the beaten track to get the best shot ;)

As for seeds, it would be pretty sweet to get at least 1 male - so that you can get some wicked return on investment and end up with 30-50 more seeds!! Thats what I would like! :)


Yeah true that... TBH I actually am pretty nervous about the seeds being delivered, but I figure there's almost zero chance of getting caught growing because it's such a passive activity and the police aren't ever going to stake out a single plant.

Haha photography isn't a bad excuse, I might use that one myself since I don't have a dog. I thought the same thing about the seeds, but honestly with such little experience I doubt more than one female out of five is going to make it so I'll probably leave that for next time when I know how to grow properly.

Are you getting as shitty weather as I am right now? My seeds haven't arrived yet but I probably won't germinate them for another week because of this rain. This is seriously putting a kink in my plans, I was fully expecting nice warm conditions and now I might have to delay until some sun arrives.

Tell me when you get your seeds, yeah?