Outdoor grow pot size?


Well-Known Member
I tried it once. Towards the end of the grow it was a real pain, it depleted the soil and needed to be fed a lot, and had to be watered daily. It seemed to stress the plant a lot. There are other ways to keep short and bushy with topping and training.

Edit: unless you get a really late start on the season and it doesn't veg very long, then it can stay small and be happy in a smaller pot.


Well-Known Member
GrowingWithJames uses 5gal outdoor. You just need to bring them into a shed or garage to start flowering and you're golden...you don't wait till September.


Well-Known Member
Go with atleast 10-15 gallon minimum if you want nice plants that are lower maintenance. You will be regretting it guaranteed come mid July in a 5 gallon man.

Sir Napsalot

Well-Known Member
a 15 gallon pot will grow the largest plant I'm able to move

I've harvested from 9-15 oz from a 15 gallon pot and 6-7 from a 10 gallon pot

The 10 gallon and 15 gallon have the same footprint- the 15 gallon is just deeper, which is a plus


Well-Known Member
Is growing with james on riu? Just using his technique and love it!!!
Would be cool if he was on here but he's commented how little time he has available after life, youtube, growing...etc.
Idk maybe i haven't pursued him in such a manner...havent seen a name i could say might be him either. He replies on his vid comments, swell dude.


Well-Known Member
You can use smaller pots outdoors, should be fine as long as you stay on top of watering and nute needs. I've never gone smaller than 7 gallons for final pot nor larger than15 gallons. Although I'm outdoors, I have a limited area to use that can't be seen by neighbors. I do have to move thing occasionally to get as much direct sun as possible as the sun's path changes. 15 gallons too much a pain to move.

It actually becomes hard to keep up on things if the plants get too big, for me 10 gallons is the perfect size, plants get big but not so big it becomes overwhelming. Been keeping things smaller and manageable lately with just a few plants, years back I had like 10-12 all in 10 gallons. Couldn't keep up with bug spraying, feeding and general maintenance, and all the trimming/drying/curing work, and then ending up with more bud than I could use. Held me over a few years tho..


Well-Known Member
I use 5 gallon cloth, got to watch the soil temps on a hot day but containers don’t evaporate as quickly. 5 is minimal and keep the plant manageable.


Well-Known Member

Im using 7gal bags and run larger plants. I have organic super soil that is re amended every year, lasts fine through veg. Use a automated drip system for watering, and a fertilizer injector I put teas into for flower. Works great.