Outdoor grow Newbie Help


Active Member
Hey there dudes, so I recently decided to myself that growing outside was the best for me and I got some questions..:confused:

- Whats the best strain of seeds that I should choose for a begginer? If possible with good taste/lvl of thc/environment resistant ofc :hump:

- The growspot that im thinking of is kinda mountain-like soil, should I add additives? Or even should I dig a bit of it and replace with some other soil? If so what kind of it?

- Should I be watering it every day?

- (off topic) Can female plants make seeds without a male plant or should I be doing clones instead?

I hope its not too much questions but If someone experienced answers those to me, I would so much thankful :blsmoke:



Active Member
i would choose Big Bud for a beginner "you",
no dont water it every day,every other day.
dig a hole like, [ 2 feet deep and 1 foot around] and fill it up with fox farm soil,
Can female plants make seeds without a male plant or should I be doing clones instead? ---> you do not want male plants by ur females because the males will pollenate ur females and that will result in fewer buds and more balls!


Well-Known Member
It's pretty late this year unless you are living somewhere that doesn't frost until Nov/Dec.

You needn't water every day, or every other day. If you're planting on property that is not yours, you want to water as infrequently as possible. You can add polymer crystals to the soil that do a great job of keeping water in the soil for long periods of time.


Active Member
Hey thx for the tips all but ReggaeBoy, Nirvana-seeds says "Plant type: Best suitable for indoor growing." at the big bud, the best seller at outdoor seeds is Early Special, what you think about it?
And I still didnt got it, whats the best way to make more plants from a female plant?

And ceestyle, I live in Portugal, heres July atm and its pretty sunny now, and at november the cold starts but it doesnt actually freeze, just cold and rainy.



Well-Known Member
The best way is to clone, but you don't have time to grow a female and then clone. If you have a ready supply of clones, go for it. Otherwise, you'll need to grow from seed.

I would look around on the internet for people growing at the same latitude and see what their experiences are.

Early strains might be good for you, as you have limited time on your hands.


Active Member
Im so damn horny about all this (lol) ok now im decided, thx for the help all you guys, Ordering Early Special from nirvana right now.

If you have more tips to give me I would be appreciated thx all :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen: