Outdoor grow in Colorado?


New Member
Im in Colorado Springs I want to do a guerrilla grow but im not sure if it'll be worth it. For starters the weather is unpredictable, nights can be cold even in summer. There is no humidity, it doesn't rain much. What strains would be best for this climate? Will I have to harvest early first frost is in late September.


Im in Colorado Springs I want to do a guerrilla grow but im not sure if it'll be worth it. For starters the weather is unpredictable, nights can be cold even in summer. There is no humidity, it doesn't rain much. What strains would be best for this climate? Will I have to harvest early first frost is in late September.
Any kind of outdoor cultivation is "susceptible" to unpredictable environmental factors. An indica dominant strain with a short flowering period will best suit your needs. I'd grow her indoors and put her out about a week before July.
All the best,