Outdoor Grow Idea.


Active Member
Hello all. I was just watching tv and I saw this http://www.hangingtomato.com/. So pretty much you just put in the plant and it will grow hanging upside down. Now I was thinking about hanging this on some trees and seeing how it would go. Any Ideas on this?


Well-Known Member
Go for it! I'm really curious to see how and if it works with ganja, it says you can grow herbs with it... Somebody has got to try it...

h tronge

Active Member
I even called and asked them once, haha. They just hung up on me... They come out and really say it's great for herbs. I'd like to see someone try it.


Well-Known Member
I even called and asked them once, haha. They just hung up on me... They come out and really say it's great for herbs. I'd like to see someone try it.
fdd2blk has a thread where he grew a plant out of it. it worked pretty well but was nothin compared to the monsters growin next to it haha


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by HIGHFLY
i put dem in a toaster oven (wanted my house to smell like weed) it ended up smelling like burnt shit and my mom cooked bread and i think i got a lil loopy- Momma's homemade bread, the boy is sick

Back to the thread, hanging upside down, tomaotes or marijuana whats the difference. This reminds me of growing pot in the trees, just hoist this little bag up away from the deer.

big buds420

Active Member
i would like to know when the best time is for growing outside in canada ontario and when should i start them inside


Active Member
you want to start them now, and by the end of this month you should be able to put them outside


Active Member
yeah, il def have to look into it. I feel like if you could get it up high the sunlight would be unobstucted and so more light gets to the plant. If i put it out by mid may would it still be okay over in the NE?