Outdoor grow > Holes in my leaves!!

MAC Buds

Active Member
Outdoor grow.

Does anyone recognise what pest is creating these hole in my leaves.
Some plants have'em, others don't.

Dead sand fly (in picture) was just lying on leaf, don't think he/she was the culprit.



grow space

Well-Known Member
yep ma-i have the exact same holes, dont know whos doing it-it may be snails-4 time to time o find those fuckers, could be some other pests-use neemoil or regular soap water-i use neemoil and i think its helping me???and i stated to use garlic-just put the garlic underneath your soil or between lower branches.

good luck man....

MAC Buds

Active Member
Yo, thanks for the heads up...
done the soap & oil and now onto the garlic water spray...
Hopefully who ever it is will just pack up and hit the road...

garlic in the soil eh? that's new one... garlic constantly surprises me... are it uses endless?