Outdoor feeding, just getting ideas.

I am doing an outdoor garden this year. Just trying to get an idea of what people are using for foods. I want this to go good, so I'd love to hear what you guys are doing and maybe see some pics of past results. Thanks in advance for your help. Here are some pics of my babies.


Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
Well I dont know about the hand shot---no need to strangle her! I would start with a regime of Neem when watering---every other time 1 tbs per gall at watering time so about 2 tbs every other watering on top of your food. That is an outdoor grow in pots so the same as inside but gotta prevent infestation to use free light or however much your sun costs "cause of taxes in your area"
Stop neem when you are 4 weeks out from harvest. You better get some Bacillus THorengenius too and start to spray her when she is near flowering and keep on it till about a week out. The stuff is good to use till the last day but I stop a week out and rinse before harvest. SAFE product Alos go get some tangle foot and create a death box for passer bu butterflies and moths---use brite color to draw them over and coat the inside with tanglefoot paste (see pic)
(both of them) Neem oil can and is used for message oil on humans so dont worry about that stuff---heck if you got a sore neck or shoulder rub some of that stuff in and notice the effects



Well-Known Member
I use miracal grow as the insturctions say every other week, 1/4 strenght when they are young. Switch to bloom mix when floweing.
Mushroom compost
Miracal grow moisture controll soil- has 2 monthes nutes in it.
Zeba starch based water absorbing polymers - has some 10-10-10 osmocote nutes in it.

I also add a pinch of baking soda when watering to keep the ph down.