Outdoor curing/drying does it work??


Active Member
Is it possible to succesfully dry your crop outdoors. i want to know because im not so sure if my parents will be to happy if i try drying out my weed inside my closet where it stays nice and cool, dark and dry because i fear it will make my whole house stink. actually its my pops that doesnt want my house to stink, i on the other hand could care less. Does anyone have any outdoor drying methods, or techniques that i could try out. i think that it is too humid where i live, i dont want my plant to go to waste. or does anyone know of any way to cut down stink factor if i do grow it inside. could i make a big box with a fan on one side and a filter on the other or something like that. i could really use the tips because my plant https://www.rollitup.org/outdoor-growing/35193-pics-first-grow.html is really starting to look nice and its my first and i want it done right. so does my dad HAHA!


Well-Known Member
Umm well I was thinking about this as well. Really you shouldnt look at is as indoor outdoor, you should look at the requirements for drying.

Dark, cool, low humidity.

So first, what are the tempatures where you are? Humidity? Perhaps, if conditions are ok, you could just buy a decent size cardboard box, and hang string threw it, poke small holes for ventalation, maybe even put a small fan in there to circulate the air, so you dont get any mold. Put it in the shadyiest spot you have. maybe even bury it underground? Not realyl sure im just throwing ideas at you in my best efforts to help you out.

Goodluck mate<3


Active Member
wow i was actually going to ask the same thing.
yeah i gotta find a way to dry it outside too. i think im gonna try the cardboard box and just throw it underneath my deck or something.


Well-Known Member
wow i was actually going to ask the same thing.
yeah i gotta find a way to dry it outside too. i think im gonna try the cardboard box and just throw it underneath my deck or something.
yeah it will still reek bad


Well-Known Member
yeah, cardboard+outside=damp and mold.

If you're gonna put it outside. put it in a coffee can and in a icebox and put it outside covered