outdoor clone just planted any tips?

i have a 4 inch clone from a indoor operation and i just planted it in the ground in a nice open field, its june 23 do you guys think its too late for it to yeild a good yeild? i also want to know what i can do to speed or just make things better for it, my brother told me to just forget about it and let it grow by its self...just tell me what should i do with this plant


Well-Known Member
Your brother probably has the best idea. Give it a week where it doesn't rain at all. Then go back and see how damp the soil is a few inches down. If it's dry all the way then you may have to water on a schedule. If it's still moist near the top then I'd say leave it. Maybe come back in august and hit it with some guano tea or other flower nute. If you prepped your hole at all and your soil is half-ass fertile it should be pretty maintenance free.

Or you could baby it and check on it every few days but it won't do too much good and just up your chances of getting caught.

There aren't really any tips or tricks to getting it to grow faster. As far as yield top it now if you haven't and you may be able to squeeze out a bit more.