Outdoor camping cultivation adventure?


Active Member
Howdy boys and gals!

So what do you think of the idea of going to a large lake and living out on an island. I'd bring my kayak, tent, a fishing pole and just camp out and eat fish. I could scatter small grow ops through out the lake and just paddle from island to island taking care of them. It may take awhile to get supplies in and product out but water would definitely be plentiful and no one would think twice of someone paddling with alot "camping gear". It seems safer from my perspective, I mean if anyone came across a patch it would be hard to pin it on some kid camping on a far away island. But I think it would be a fun way to spend a summer. It'd be great if anyone has or knows anyone whose done this and has advise to give.


Well-Known Member
sounds like a pretty good cover but the likeliness of getting your grow discovered is pretty high. there isn't an island I haven't found, no matter how secluded or big/small it was where I found evidence of human traffic. islands are cool places to check out and ppl will go out of their way to get to em.

and if by chance you do blow your cover (caught in the act) your escape may not be so lucky either. I like your idea of roughin it, I bet you just watched 'into the wild' before coming up with that plan. alot of growers here do it I'm sure, I camp out full time round harvest season at my hunting cabin which is nearby, (I don't hunt really, but it's my cover) good luck with whatever you decide!


Active Member
lol no not yet.. and I take that as an insult, the book was ok though lol. But anyway I can't live in the sticks for awhile, I've done a similar op the past couple years but it was along a 1/2 mile stretch of river. It worked great but my friends and my own sanity suffered. I figured maybe up by the great lakes region, I mean there are some pretty big islands and it would be a nice change of scenery. IDK maybe your right.


Well-Known Member
sorry, man I hope you didn't think I was making fun of ya. I thought it was a really good movie and I would love to do what you wanna do. keep us posted on what happenss :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
My opinion: if this camping and kayaking thing is something you would do all summer WITHOUT the pot involved, just cause you love doing it, then yea, I think it's a good idea. if the growing is a big influence, then I think you'll get sick of it after a month or two and absolute hate it.

Also, I think you should keep it pretty small. Yea, you could probably try to grow 100 plants or something crazy, but I think you'd enjoy it more with just 3 plots of 10 or something. That way you're not running around all the time to try to get to 10 different plots, ya know what I mean? I guess that kind of goes with the first part: if the camping/kayaking is your primary goal/motivation, and the growing is secondary (like a project on the side), then yea, I think it's a good idea.


Active Member
well I guess I didn't make my situation very clear.. I'm what you would call a hobo, i'm homeless (by choice!) lol and camping so to speak is how I live. Now I'm not talking about a growing side project I'm talking about making some money. I was kind of hoping I could pull someone from the woodwork thats grown around or on a lake that could give some input about it being a realistic feat or not.


Well-Known Member
Howdy boys and gals!

So what do you think of the idea of going to a large lake and living out on an island. I'd bring my kayak, tent, a fishing pole and just camp out and eat fish. I could scatter small grow ops through out the lake and just paddle from island to island taking care of them. It may take awhile to get supplies in and product out but water would definitely be plentiful and no one would think twice of someone paddling with alot "camping gear". It seems safer from my perspective, I mean if anyone came across a patch it would be hard to pin it on some kid camping on a far away island. But I think it would be a fun way to spend a summer. It'd be great if anyone has or knows anyone whose done this and has advise to give.
we call this 'The Canadian Way' hit up those beatufiul lakes with the canoe and start flooding with plants! Visit them every other week and when we do we usually stay a night!


Active Member
hahah I like the sound of that, I swear I should have been born Canadian.. But anyway I was at a phil lesh show near a friends college so I've just kind of been chillin in her dorm room drinking her beer for a week or so now. Probably leaving in 2-3 days..


Well-Known Member
Ah well then yea... I think it's a glorious idea then. Just be super careful not to get caught, or else you'll have a new home that will be shared with a few hundred other inmates.

Go big, be careful, and have a good time man. Good luck!