Outdoor Autos in Canada

Hey I just started my first outdoor grow this year and Im growing about 25 seedlings inside right now until they are ready for early summer(see my grow journal). Anyways when I put those girls out in mid-late may and when their space is freed up then I also wanted to start another batch of autos to be placed outside to get an even larger crop. Would starting autos indoors in mid-late may be worth it to grow in a southern ontario climate? Should I just get another batch of fem seeds and expect smaller plants in flowering season or are autos worth it for me? Or is it too late to even try by then??


Well-Known Member
auto flowers have such a short veg period that it is not worth the stress to go from indoor to outdoor.. just put that seed in a cup of water and plant it outdoors when the seed cracks.


Well-Known Member
With even the best auto's you're only going to get 1 maybe 2 ounces per plant outdoors.
Auto's can put off some serious weight in a short amount of time indoors, but they really need a lot of light.

Plant a bunch.



Active Member
He is right to start them indoor as seedlings outdoor are at risk to leaf eatting insects I had 4 autos last year and 3 were eaten at only a few days old. I think the culprit might of been an earwig it took the top right off all that was left was a stem. If I were you id breed for some seeds.
So Im going to be getting seeds soon, should I go with autos considering i'll only have about a 3-4 month grow period or see what I can get out of an early flowering regular seeds?


Well-Known Member
good point about the insects. i guess starting them indoors is fine but just remember to harden them off and give them a big enough pot so the roots have room to grow