outdoor 09 help...


Well-Known Member
ok my plan is to get 16 clones off a mother to bring to a pre-picked area to plant.. i will be preparing this area in late march and planting in mid may... i have a bit of a problem tho.. the soil in this area isn't the greatest to grow in but it's all i have to work with... the soil has alot of clay in it.. i was going to dig 16 holes 2'x'2'x3' (LxWxD) and take that soil out and give it a bit of lime and a small amount of time release and some peatmoss (fresh).. bringing soil to the area isn't an option because it would be imposable to get there.. the soil is in canada and the area in wich i will be growing has alot of evergreens.. i will only be growing my plants to about 6-7ft tall but i will be toping them often to bush them out each plant will be about 20 ft away from eachother so it has alot of room to grow... i will be using a regular hardware store brand of chemical ferts.. one for eg and one for flowering.. the last 2 weeks i will be watering alot to get rid of as much fert as i can.. can anyone sudgest anything to help me out? because it would be greatly appreciated...


Active Member
shit ... will sugest you something ,friendly ... .separate those words in posting ,its har for reading ... I give up when saw that post but like you see I read separated and short questions ...

clay....clay is not a problem.First, holes are 40cm x 40cm x 60cm or if you are not strong to bring it soil there make 20 x 20 x 40, however 20-40L per plant.
Digg that clay and dont back him, exept on the end when you put compost in it (on top) to keep humidity.Biggest hole is more soil, more soil is bigger plant, bigger plant is more yield.

peatmoss... peatmoss are pure shit.That will not keep humidity and you will got big problem.
You can't use that by my opinion , not pure, but do what ever you want.
By me you dont need lime, just good compost mix ... make or buy.

transplantion...should be after "first sun",but for outdoor you must listen weekly prognose ! but must looking in month forward and planing.

Clones.... clones keep on 14/10 but you must know how many light per day are in May, if you planing to transplante in May.
I keep him on 14/10 because day have that light time when I transplanting.So you must finde some info about your day light ...

fertilizers....I dont know what kinde of fertilizer are "regular fertilizer" so I cant say anything about that ,but you must know what you will use(exactly what & what is needed).

toping ... toping make on each 3-4 internode, if you planing to top him.

distance... you don't need 20ft beetwen plants, from tree to tree is mote then enough half of that.
Plants will not be bigger then 1,5-2m (diametrical-swich that on half and you got 0,75-1m on each side of the plant).

watering ... canada dont have clima to you watering a lot.
I have summer of 40*C +- couple *C and I have problem with that.
For you one time in 15 days with 5-10L per plant is maximum.
You dont need to feed plants in last 3 weeks,so watering is no needed to :flush:



Well-Known Member
ok my plan is to get 16 clones off a mother to bring to a pre-picked area to plant.. i will be preparing this area in late march and planting in mid may... i have a bit of a problem tho.. the soil in this area isn't the greatest to grow in but it's all i have to work with... the soil has alot of clay in it.. i was going to dig 16 holes 2'x'2'x3' (LxWxD) and take that soil out and give it a bit of lime and a small amount of time release and some peatmoss (fresh).. bringing soil to the area isn't an option because it would be imposable to get there.. the soil is in canada and the area in wich i will be growing has alot of evergreens.. i will only be growing my plants to about 6-7ft tall but i will be toping them often to bush them out each plant will be about 20 ft away from eachother so it has alot of room to grow... i will be using a regular hardware store brand of chemical ferts.. one for eg and one for flowering.. the last 2 weeks i will be watering alot to get rid of as much fert as i can.. can anyone sudgest anything to help me out? because it would be greatly appreciated...
yeah I get some bad soil around here in hawaii too, Im gonna do it brown dirt warrior style, dig a hole, put some plastic bags in the hole, and fill it with my own soil. Hopefully it will work out ok!


Well-Known Member
i was out to the place today and i figured i'd dig a hole or 2 for something to do when i was finished trimming up the other trees and plants around the mplace where i will be putting my girls.. so i finished trimming and got the shovel and started to dig as i got about 6"-8" into the soil a nasty manure type smell hit me... i think this is a good thing because it smells like it would grow a plant great... what does everyone think? does the smell matter with soil.. because this stuff is way out into the woods and judging by the smell i would be great soil...

South Texas

Well-Known Member
The "Smell" is the judge of good soil. Earthy smelling. Is it packed hard, or semi loose, clay base, or loamy type soil. As long as the soil isn't too hard packed, liquid ferts can be transported easy enough. If packed, a hand tool just to break up the soil enough for roots to take off. A short piece of rebar & a hammer will loosen the soil. Pay attention to what else grows nearby, if nothing, the soil is in question.

buggs bunny

Well-Known Member
you want to use a cup of lime per hole,since you have evergreens,they make the soil acidic and the lime will balance out ph to 7


Well-Known Member
yeah i was planning onn using lime... i was also looking around the small water hole that i will be toating water from and i noticed small rocks.. like pebels that were smooth.. each small rock is maybe 1cm across.. 2cm at moast.. i was just wondering if i could mix a shovel full of these pebles into each hole to help the air for roots.. also i will be taking out the soil from the 2x2x3 ft hole and placing it on a tarp to mix in some lime and maybe those smaller rocks into it then puting it back into the hole.. 16 holes is going to be alot of work but i think it'll be worth it in the end..


Well-Known Member
I would suggest going a bit early to prep your bed for your plants. Also I would prep BIGGER holes. Easier on the roots. Would it be to late to relocate to another location that has better soil? Nothing is impossible. Myself and a friend packed in 10 bales medium and 60 bags of misc. soil packed on to 2 dirt bikes. Timing is crucial go early in the morning scope it out. If there is a will, there is a way. Even if it means packing it on your back or asking a buddy to borrow an atv :D Don't cheap out on soil. It will make a difference of a mediocre grow, and a "holy fuck look at that donkey cock bud" grow.


Well-Known Member
no there isn't another location withou cutting at least 30 big trees.. also i know that this soil is good because i used it indoors for a plant and it grew great without nutes for about 6 weeks, then i added nutes.. but i was just wondering would i beable to make it better.. and the 2x2x3 holes would only be just to give the plant a good start.. would the shovel full of small rocks help with more air for the roots?.. and also i will be buying some type of time release fert for both veg and flower cycles... i don't have a great lot of money so i was looking at miracle grow ferts..


Well-Known Member
there isn't another location withou cutting at least 30 big trees.. also i know that this soil is good because i used it indoors for a plant and it grew great without nutes for about 6 weeks, then i added nutes.. but i was just wondering would i beable to make it better.. and the 2x2x3 holes would only be just to give the plant a good start.. would the shovel full of small rocks help with more air for the roots?.. and also i will be buying some type of time release fert for both veg and flower cycles... i don't have a great lot of money so i was looking at miracle grow ferts..


Well-Known Member
Hey, sorry haven't been on recently pretty busy with holidays and all. As for your comment, you can put rocks at the bottom of the bucket. But, be careful if your going to move them around lots, because the rocks will start to break up the roots. When they are able to reach the bottom. If your careful then yes. I would suggest using the soil that you have if you do not have much money to spend. Build a big ass bed for your plants, you will thank me. Whatever works for you buckets or bed doesn't matter. I have both :D

Time released nutrients.... not a big fan of. You can't really control when they release nutes. You can release them by watering. But if watered to often your risking NUTE BURN :( no good bro. If your growing in pots and they are outdoor, you will need to water often :O

By the way, what climate do you plan to grow in?


Well-Known Member
the climate is relatively moist.. the usuall temp in the summer is about 14 celcius up to about 24.. we usually start to get snow at the end of november.. the soil reeks like manure.. and is fertile.. i will be digging holes for them to grow in the ground.. i will not be using buckets.. i want to spread my plants out and i was was planing on putting plants every 10-20 ft appart... it in canada.. we have basically dry summers but this area is close to a pond so it always has water.. i will be visiting every weekend if not every 2nd one... to give a bit of water to the plants..i am able to plant on a south facing hill that alsp faces north.. i was going to plant half my crop(6-8 plants) on both sides of this hill and plant the others spread out under it, aprox 20 ft or so away from the bottom of the hill... i only have a small backpack to carry things in with me and that is usually filled with things i need on a visitly basis (small garden rake, shovel,axe,string,stakes,change of clothes,water for me and plants,and some other things.. but you get the idea) i was only going to use this time release fert so i wouldn't have to fertilize every visit to the site.. because i need to trim every one by hand if i want them bushy.. and i don't have a big enough can to mix up 16 plants worth of fert in.. organic is out of the question so far because i dona't have very much money atm.. i can scrape up enough money to buy some veg and flower time release tho and the small bucket for each will fit in the space i have left in the bag.. i know this soil is fertile because i have use it to grow indoors before without needing nutes for about 6 weeks.. abd the plants wee healthy... i also am trying to keep the plants far away from eachother because i've been reading that a bushy plant that is trimmed right could produce a pound per plant.. would this be doable for an outdoor grow under these conditions?

that's all i wanted to say forr now.. thanks


Well-Known Member
Hey, Yeah I live in Canada as well. The climate where I live is amazing for outdoor grow. If the temps get that cold, I suggest making a greenhouse. My Bed is approx. 18 x 15 I plan to put forty bushes in it this year. And then the rest in pots. Yeah, your plot idea sounds good. Is your area fairly secure and what about planes and helicopters? much activity? What about water? grab all the soil you can and buff it with the soil there to stretch it. More holes more plants :D Get some perlite to add to your "holes". This will help to retain moisture in the soil. Dig the holes as deep as you can, loosen up the soil for the roots make it easy on the plant. And you will be rewarded. Myself and a buddy dug 3 to 4 feet down and mixed the rich BC soil with lots of goodies and tossed it around and let it sit maybe a week before we plant. So the soil is not hot(pockets of nutes) If time released works for you then use it. I prefer adding nutes to my water so I can obtain complete control over my plants. What strain are you planning on growing? Sativas flower later, they get bigger. But what is the point when you get moldy bud :O This summer I will be growing Masterkush and Lemon skunk :D I have the moms already and they are huge. I will be making a journal of my outdoor grow as time progresses. Goodluck and PM me if you have any more questions or concerns. Doesn't hurt to help out a fellow nuck :weed:


Well-Known Member
forgot to add. Check on it according to weather. My spot couple of days to every week depending on how hot and how much rain we recieve. I make a greenhouse roof after they start flowering nice and depending again on the weather.