Out of space - help please!!!


Active Member
hi guys!
I ve been month into flowering now.
My growbox is 1,6m high (5,25 ft)
Currently I have 2 plants under 250W HPS but Barbara (one on the right) is reaching my tent's height limit!
I have moved all the tent's equipment to the top but still can't get more space...
Should I bend my cola?
Please help!
First time grower here!


Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
Tie them down if you have to. But I don't expect them to grow much more higher after a month of flower.


New Member
look up supercropping, although thats something you do in veg. bend and tie them so they grow around horizontally, maybe try to do some drastic bending and install a screen...


Well-Known Member
I just had that problem and finally ended up useing wire, thin a guage coated with plastic they come in small packages in the garden area or the electrical department. I wraped the wire around a pin or pincel or other small round object. to make a nice twisted spril and screw it on the branch you wont to bend and walla you now can bend the branch as much as you wont.