Out of Curiosity??? What would happen if you grew Commercial (shitty)Seeds.....


Active Member
:leaf:in good soil outdoor in a good hiding spot with good sunlight and you made sure to 1. use your own soil 2. use correct nutrients 3. have a spot with lots of sunlight 4. let it mature all the way not even a day early picking 5. cured it as best as i know how (about 65-75%of the way dry with de-humidifier in closet then chop it all off, leaving big stems on, and putting it in a brown paper bag in a nice enviroment for as long as it takes to be perfectly crisp):leaf:

:leaf:So i have a couple questions and i would like you to awnser and tell me if you A-know from experience or B-Are just making an educated guess:leaf:

:leaf:the reason im wanting to do this is because where i live there are not alot of spaces of land that are unsearched or walked through by either kids or hunters so i don't want to buy seeds and then be really pissed about them being stolen or confiscated. I only smoke high grade nugget not beasters or anything so if i got some shit seeds from my buddy could the bagseeds actually turn out good with some love and care?:leaf:

:leaf:i know its not gonna be some ppp or og or anything along those lines but i still would like something with a nice taste for friends and partys and blunts and maybe sell a pound or 2 i would wanna plant around 20-30 of them in this location (start them off at home first then force them into flower on the bottom just to see which are males and females then plant the females) there should (regardless of quality) be a very high yield with outdoor commercial plants i would hope to get a quarter to half pound minimum off of each plant considering i grew 6white russian and 2white widow i got from nirvana outdoor last year 8 plants and when dried got about 5 pounds!:leaf:

:leaf:Could it be better than it originally was or will it just be decent looking with no trichomes and no smell thanks in advance for your help:leaf:


Well-Known Member
20-30 unknown genetic seeds in 1 place !!!!!!!!

If you find seeds in your PRIMO bud then its not primo.

You could end up with males or females or hermies and cross pollenation causing seeded bud.

Just spend the extra get some quality genetics.

I used Bagseed to start with to find my feet growing indoors and now after experiencing all the above i wont ever choose BS again.



Active Member
20-30 unknown genetic seeds in 1 place !!!!!!!!

If you find seeds in your PRIMO bud then its not primo.

You could end up with males or females or hermies and cross pollenation causing seeded bud.

Just spend the extra get some quality genetics.

I used Bagseed to start with to find my feet growing indoors and now after experiencing all the above i wont ever choose BS again.

Yeah I agree... I've never used Bagseeds before, but if you find seeds in your bud you have issues...

...the core issue with what you are doing here is whether in the end all your plants are females or not... because even with one male your whole crop is compromised... one male will cause all the females to stop producing thc, thus creating more seeds...

...so if you are going to do what you are going to do, then monitor each plant and check for "balls" lol you see them you yank the plant before it starts producing pollen... that way you're crop falls within the sweeter factor...

...spend the extra money on quality genetics, so you'll eleviate some of your worries...


Active Member
youll get what you give, but it is schwag seed so thats what youll get and nothing more, hope for the best but expect the worst! best of luck which ever way you choose man


My experience with recent (last ten years) bagseeds is that you'll get some pretty weak plants initially that exhibit reduced vigor, and are very difficult to grow to any satisfying size or yield. However, if you employ bagseed from mutliple sources and permit them to pollinate one another, the seeds you get from that will exhibit good vigor and will grow well.

Prior to that, back in the 70's, everyone where I lived (Pacific Northwest) smoked fully-seeded products from Mexico ...sativas...and so the seeds were all original landrace strains from wherever...Oaxaca, Columbia, etc. It was different then, the seeds grew true and everything you grew was better than the bag you took it out of by a pretty fair margin.

These days, everyone uses "Dutch" hybrids which won't grow right because if you got a seed it was from a hermie or something, plus it's hybridized in the first instance, so the outcome is unpredictable.

I have found that the product from modern bagseed will be much prettier and tastier than the original schwag.....due to all that loving you baked into it....but the potency doesn't change much.

So in my several experiments with bagseed, I ended up with product that had superb visual appeal, smelled great, burned good and was very enjoyable after a few weeks cure, but wasn't any better than what I got the seeds out of. And I had to run two cycles....the first with some pretty sad and sickly seed-mommas....to get anything.

I'd recommend getting some good genetics. I would have been better off to purchase/bargain/trade for a good quality genetic stock.

Which, ultimateley, is exactly what I did. I don't care for Indica, the high isn't what I want, the potency isn't what I want, and you can't get a true landrace (native, natural strain that God created so it's heavenly to grow) so I spent time accumulating native sativa landraces.

Since I prefer my youthful experience, I don't sell, I grow only for personal use, I let every crop seed out. I use seeds, I let them pollinate, I make more seeds, it always grows true, it kicks yer head into gear....just like when I was a kid :)

A big, fully-seeded sativa bud may not have the quantity you might otherwise achieve, but I've found no diminishment in potency actually, and it has a different character that's difficult to describe. AND, you got more free high-quality uber seeds than you can imagine, at zero cost....


Well-Known Member
Get the males(and hermies) outta there, don't let the females get pollinated, and that's a good start. From there, it's 'luck of the draw', as to the quality of finished smoke. You could get lucky and have some decent genetics, with some good smoke, or end up with some so-so sensi. All you can really do is keep 'em healthy, and unpollinated, til it's smoking time, and you can try it out. :)
How was the weed you got them from? If it was seedy,but 2-5 toke weed,you've got some potential. Most seedy weed comes from offshore,is landrace,but isn't cultivated worth a crap. Give it a lil' TLC and you'll generally have something.

BTW, if you live Florida,south of say Orlando,don't bother. Most of the regs there are from Jamaica and polluted with Dutch and Canadian genetics.

You're better off hitting up an old local grower for seeds from an established local strain in most places. If you've got family in the country buy a sack of the local outdoor homegrown,you'll have decent shot at getting a good local strain.

Colombian and Mexican weed is still pretty Dutch free,but the Dutchies have made friends with the militias in Colombia in the past couple of years and are funneling their hybrids down there.