Out Door Grow 1st timer. :o


New Member
Hi this will be my first grow So please take it easy on me.

This is my plan i have lots of land but heres the thing, on my land
i have cornfields, 2 apple orchards, few miles of swamp land, a still pond,
and think pine tree brush like area, i do have lots of deer, coyotes, rabbits,
etc. I live in us but almost in canada... i was thinking about digging plots like 2ft x 2ft and 2ft deep with sand/pebble bottom then filled with organic soil, with mixed in nutes and perlite.
will this work? i'm going with 10 ak48 fem. and a few regs. i plan on puting them out may 25th-28th.
how tall should my ak be before she's put out there?

Whats the best area?

Please Help.


Well-Known Member
Put them in locations that receive the most hours of direct sunlight, the more direct sun, the better.

Get your plants as big as you can between now and when you want to put them in the ground, the bigger the better.

Good Luck.


New Member
Okay, another question i did not add up there... The corn fields get heavy sprayed with cow shit..
does cow shit work as a good fert? or Keep away?


Well-Known Member
I'd watch with the corn fields.. Never grown in them but heard that the heavy ferts burn up MJ sometimes. Also heard that farmers have been planting corn that they can harvest earlier? I'd check into it before losing your plants to a combine. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
If you are not in a legal State,....Never grow on your land.

Your set up is fine, I use it all the time, gravel and all. Trim the surroundings to let sunlight enter better from all angles, and treat the surroundings for mold as well as your plants too. Just don`t make it too neat and pretty.