other psychedelics?


Well-Known Member
i tried shroooms. loved it. wanted to get acid but i dont think i can get it because the guy doesnt sell it anymore
what are some other good psychedelic's taht i could find?


Active Member
DMT is a pretty fun time, although im a shroom guy myself. Im guessing you did about 1.7 or around tehre your first trip? maybe try to increase the dosage, the more the better the trip, altough it also raises risk of a bad trip so make sure ur mind is in a good place. but definitely try to look into some dmt


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt know where to get dmt though=\
weed is so easy to find around here but as far as acid and shrooms go its tough to find and you have to pay a pretty high price once you find them
is dmt commenly fount?


Well-Known Member
Email this guy and tell him Andrew/TOOLfan sent you, he might give you a little deal, no telling [email protected]. He sells GOOD Mimosa hostilis root bark, which is the easiest plant on earth to extract DMT from. All you need is some Lye/Sodium hydroxide which can be purchased at Lowes for $7-$9 if you are in the states), some V&M P Naptha(also found at Lowes here in the states for $10-$14), some distilled water($1), and about 100 grams of the bark(from Mathew for fairly cheap if he gives you a deal $25-$50 will get you a lot, probably twice 100 grams.), you use 50 grams of lye. You mix the lye into the water a little at a time at half the amount of lye as MHRB is going to be used(100 grams of Mathews MHRB will yield 1.841 grams of nice yellow DMT spice, best yields my buddy has ever gotten from a vendor), you also use 15 ML of water per 1 gram of spice, if you use 100 grams you need 1500 ml of distilled water. You could always use more MHRB, lye, napthe, and DH2O if you want more DMT, 30-80 mg's is a good dose, 80 mg's is extremely powerful and you will lose consciousness

Dump the lye into the DH2O very slowly, stir the solution consistently, making sure it does not stay cloudy. watch out, the lye might react violently with the water, my buddy mixes a little at a time and has never seen the lye start to bubble or anything, just add the lye slowly and stir in between pouring the lye, Just a few grams at a time and you'll be alright.

once you have mixed 50 grams of lye into 1500 ML of water and it becomes clear again(all the lye dissolves) mix in the MHRB that has been run through a blender(grounded into a very fine dusty powder). shake the mixture in the jars for about 20-30 minutes(my buddy uses 3-800 ml mason jars for 100 grams of MHRB(500 ml of water, 16.6 grams of lye, and 33.3 grams of MHRB per jar). Then, add 75 ml of naptha to each jar and set each jar in a large pot filled with water to a little under the jars lids, make sure you set a towel under the jars so the don't sit on direct heat. set the stove burner on medium and slowly raise the temperature to a safe level that will allow the napth to reach its boiling point. the hotter the naptha the more soluble the DMT will be in it. My buddy shakes the hot jars with kitchen mitts or a large thick towel at least 3 times, then he allows the naptha to separate from the solution before taking the jars out their final time. While the naptha is still boiling hot he siphons it off the top of the solution using a small rubber hose for a fish tank air line. He then pours more naptha in the jars and back in the boiler they go, he repeats these steps at least 5 or 6 times.

Then he pours the siphoned naptha into a large Ziplock bag and allows any of the MHRB, lye, water mixture to settle to the bottom. He then cuts a very small hole in the corner of the baggy and drains out the bottom/black layer(make sure to get rid of every speck of the black/basified solution, it's no good), when it gets to the clear/naptha layer he pinches the tip and pours the solvent into a pyrex dish. he then places a pot on the ELECTRIC stove naptha is flammable so no open flames. The top opening of the pot has to be smaller then the surface of the bottom of the pyrex dish. Place a wire coat hanger on the top of the pot and place the pyrex dish full of solvent on top of the hanger. Turn the heat on high and allow the steam to evaporate the naptha/DMT solution down to one quarter or one fith, this will help during the crystallization process. My buddy then pours the solvent/DMT solution through a coffee filter into a glass measuring cup and places the glass measuring cup inside another Ziplock bag. Then he places the ziplock bag/glass cup/solvent into the freezer(set freezer on the coldest setting possible) for 6-8 hours, when it comes out in 6-8 hours it will be nice yellow DMT crystals. Try to pore all the naptha out through a coffee filter, but try to leave the DMT crystals inside the glass measuring cup(it gets stuck in the coffee filter when you dry it out and it heats up, what a waste), you can then scrape out the DMT with a spoon and spread it on a glass/ceramic plate to dry fully.

If you want to give this a try feel free to ask some questions, my buddy will tell me everything and will walk you through the process.

Head to the light,


Well-Known Member
He is the shop owner at Nomad Botanicals, I'm sure he'll give you a link to his online shop. I just don't feel like digging it up at the moment. You should also read/google Nomans teck DMT for the masses, great reading material however my buddy finds the last step or wash to be a waste of time.:peace:


Tell him I sent you before you order anything from his shop though, maybe he will give you a deal. Mathew also sells other entheogens/psychoactive plants.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Na, never orderd from them. Heavenly-Products was a waste, their MHRB yielded only around 8 grams of DMT from a kilo of their purple pink bark. Mathews yielded over 17 grams from 1 kilo.:peace:

Have you ever tried Kratom, it's not so psychedelic. It feels like an opiate sort of.



Active Member
i tried the 20x concentrate, i loaded up some (quite alot) in a bong with some weed to help it burn and improve taste. When i ripped it i held it in for as long as i could and BOOM, i was tripping my balls off, felt like i was falling through the floor and the music i was listening to notes started coming out of the speakers instead of music, its pretty intense but only lasts 5 mins +, its well worth it tho :D


Active Member
I don't know, man. It might not be easy to get your hands on, but peyote is actually fantastic. In regards to salvia being the most intense trip of ones life, I don't know. I've smoked my bit of salvia, and done my share of other psychoactives, and I wasn't all that impressed with salvia. Salvia also made me so uncomfortable, I found the experience actually kind of unpleasant in general.

Anyways, you should definitely hit up acid, peyote, and if you're really drawing a blank you could do something along the lines of morning glory. A lot of my experiences with morning glory were pretty cool, and the seeds were easy to find. I actually just got a copious amount of the seeds from a local dollar store.


Well-Known Member
I don't know, man. It might not be easy to get your hands on, but peyote is actually fantastic. In regards to salvia being the most intense trip of ones life, I don't know. I've smoked my bit of salvia, and done my share of other psychoactives, and I wasn't all that impressed with salvia. Salvia also made me so uncomfortable, I found the experience actually kind of unpleasant in general.

Anyways, you should definitely hit up acid, peyote, and if you're really drawing a blank you could do something along the lines of morning glory. A lot of my experiences with morning glory were pretty cool, and the seeds were easy to find. I actually just got a copious amount of the seeds from a local dollar store.
I know what you mean, my buddy finds Salvia divinorum to be quite unpleasant and uncomfortable, but It is the most intense trip someone can ever have. DMT is less intense and a lot more pleasant along with some others you have just mentioned.