organic rescue mist?


Active Member
Did a google search for this stuff because I got a sample. My friend Yoshi who works for Biofloral USA (hydro distributor) uses it so I asked him for his opinion...He loves it. Says he uses the Original Formula twice a week until transition (says he reduced veg time by one week) and the Rapid Flower specifically for transition (he mentioned how much thicker his stems were after using the RF). He also is a big fan of foliar sprays because 'you can add exactly what your plant needs without messing w/ your rez levels'.


Well-Known Member
Just got 4 big and 4 small(refill) of each from a convention. Gonna give it a run see how it does. God knows i have enough of it lol


Active Member
Been using this for about a week and a half and it's been great. Visible differences within the first 2 days. Plants perked up, look healthier. Very happy with the results so far. Leaves and stems both seem to have accelerated growth. I will keep sharing info and details.

I actually spoke with a friend who works at my local shop the other day about this (he's real into foliar). he said he's been cutting a week off his veg time using this stuff. The more research I do into fulvic based products, the more I like the idea of using an organic fulvic based foliar spray.

What about you, Mindless?