Organic or Mostly Organic-Sourced Nute Brand for Drip Hydro: Your Pick Is?

I've been using General Hydroponics main line (Grow, Bloom, Micro) for my first few hydro grows (hybrid drip/DWC) -- because I was a total newbie and GH is a nice, easy, reliable line of nutes.

I have, though, been looking forward to switching to a hydro line that's either mostly or fully organic-sourced.

I've experimented recently with Earth Juice nutes, and I immediately realized the vast difference between the two types of nutes. The 100% organic-sourced nutes are thick, smelly (good, though), full of sediments, and seem harder to use . . . because they aren't sterile solutions of minerals, but full of organic matter.

In sum, the Earth Juice nutes scared me a bit: the 100% organic-based products might be too much of a risk, since I'm not yet a veteran grower.

With this info in mind, the owner of the local hydro store (a pretty knowledgeable guy) suggested the Boitanicare line, since it's a blend of organic-based and standard nutes.

So, if you have experience in this area, what are your recommendations?

If Botanicare is a good choice, their products are a bit confusing: most nute companies explicitly state which group of their nutes is specifically designed for hydro, and which for soil, and which group can do both. Plus, most hydro lines often give a detailed feeding "recipe" chart for your hydro set-up, giving the grower a good base schedule of what to use, how much, and when . . . to be modified, of course, as the grower gains experience.

Maybe I'm missing something, but the different Botanicare groups are a little . . . vague? There's the CNS17 line of nutes, the Pure Blend Pro and Pure Blend Standard . . . and there doesn't seem to be a clear recipe chart.

I'm open to any suggestions, though--if you have good experience in this area and think you could be of help. With that said, I'll stop writing . . . and look forward to your suggestions and tips.



PS: Here are some relevant (?) details about me and my grow room: I have three drip-hydro grows under my belt, plus I've read cover-to-cover five of the main MJ books (MJ Grow Bible, Cervantes' and Soma's books, etc.). I use top-fed DIY totes, and this grow will be a SOG (or possible hybrid SCROG). I'll be growing God Bud, White Rhino, and Skunk #1 . . . all from seed, and the different strains will be in individual totes, so I can vary the feeding regimes to suit each strain. I'll be growing in a fairly tightly sealed room, with 2 x 1,000w AC lamps, over a 4' x 8' grow area. I use RO water and I'll be supplementing with CO2, and I'm able to monitor the plant closely, given my job-situation.