Organic nutes?


Active Member
The last couple of byears ive just been giving my girls water ,no nutes nothing jut water this grow i wanted to do sonething different to get a bigger yeild but i want all organic, so i was looking at the big bloom fox farm not the trio the single bottle can i just add that one bottle into my waterings from seed to harvet or wat? Thanks for helping me out 1st time using nutes


Well-Known Member
Id suggest buying bagged nutes and creating your own teas as longas you have a good soil, feathermeal, alfalfa meal, sea bird quano, dolomite lime, oystershell meal, kelp meal, aloe vera juice, roots organic oregonism xl, epsom salt, humic acid, mollasses, fish bone meal, green sand, this is all I use, then a coco based soil. Read up bro. Youll learn a lot on this thread.


Active Member
GO calmag is the only thing i use out of a bottle, besides my homebrewed teas. agree with May11, everything should be in soil from the start. sounds like unless the soil you use is chock full of chemical ferts you are already on your way to organic growing. gl with everything, keep us posted!