Organic Newb


Hola; I popped a couple beans a few days ago and things are kinda slow at the moment. I thought I might like to try a soil/ organic grow and see what happens. I took a walk through the woods yesterday and picked up a few lbs of "deer leavins", thinking I might somehow be able to work it into the organic theme. Generally speaking, the opossums usually do a good job of keeping it cleaned up, so most of what I collected isn't really aged. What would be a good way to utilize this so as not to cause any harm? Also, does anyone have any links to how to make a simple, but good tea? I tried using the search but all I came up with was 25,000 random topics that contained the word "tea"- not very helpful. Any/ all thoughts are appreciated. -Thanks-


Well-Known Member
If your growing organically outdoors, I would just throw it around the plant as a soil amendment. Otherwise, I wouldn't use it.

As far as compost teas, or Actively Aerated Compost Teas(AACTs), I do cover them in my grow journal in my signature. Hit the link if you want to learn the best AACT recipe that has worked for me. The whole thread could help you, especially as a beginner, but if you want to jump directly to wehre I cover compost teas, go to:

But seriously, I would kind of ditch the deer poop. It could be great for a compost bin/pile, however.

What you really want is the fruit eating Jamaican bat "leavins" during flowering, and you won't be picking that stuff up in your backyard:)