Organic in NFT


Active Member
Ok so I built a combination Ultrasonic Aeroponic and NFT system... it's gona take a while to get the ultrasonic to work so I may need to depend on the NFT for this grow.

I was wondering if it is at all possible to utilize organics (specifically the Botanicare Pro Grow/Bloom/LiquidKarma line) in an NFT system? I ditched them a while back because I wanted to try the ultrasonic. But in my system they use two separate reservoirs, one for the NFT and another for the ultrasonic. So I'm thinking I could combine the best of both worlds, aero speed with organic taste... or I may have my head up my ass, either one.

I am using a 700gph pump for only two channels that are each 3 feet long, so the water flow is pretty good. Anyway, I could use some advice... thanks!


Active Member
Ok! :hump: Well does anyone have a preference of organic hydro nutes? I know Botanicare is pretty highly rated and has done well for me back in my days of soil but thats it. No teas though, I just don't have the time...


Just some idiot
I use Botanicare Pro series, it's my favorite and I like organics too. Out of the major foods I think it's as close to organic as you'll get.