Organic Green Beans:CocoCoir/Dollar Store Soil


Well-Known Member
In this thread i will be documenting the growth of bush-type green beans. The specimen(s) will be grown in a 1 gallon smart pot containing a 1:1 blend of coco coir and some cheap dollar store potting soil. The reason for this is to test the effectiveness of a specific all-purpose, dry, organic fertilizer called Earth Grow. The ratio used will be 2 TBSP per gallon of medium. I will post progress through to harvest, with maybe a recipe at the end using the bounty.
I know, but i was cleaning up and found it under the kitchen sink so figured why not. I don't have any of my regular mix left. I need to get crackin on that as it will need to cook for at least two weeks. I don't really like the feel of this cheap soil so i'm debating whether or not i should add a couple cups of fresh worm castings.
Well as your signature states "Without a living soil, plants can not be totally healthy or grow quite as well as they might."
To clarify this is being grown in a greenhouse type environment. Its rather a sunroom but faces east and south. Its still a bit cold outside so i have started them indoors for the time being. Should be warm enough in there by the time they sprout. Will also be running some herbs and maybe a select pepper variety. Last year i did only peppers, about seven varieties, and was overgrown. Keeping it a little more manageable this go.
So, twelve days later we have life. Temps have been cool so that could explain the longer germination. Still within the breeders 6-14 day window.
They have all sprouted in succession except for one but looks like its still trying. The first one that sprouted has a purple stalk a longer stretch but the rest are nice and green.20140503_162340.jpg
Little seedlings look good, yes? Ya know, many pea family plants fix their own nitrogen so even if your soil was barren the beans may still grow pretty well. To adequately gauge the effectiveness of your soil mix you should also try other kinds of plants
Thanks guys! I'm going to look into that bit about the nitrogen fixing. Thats interesting. I'm going to also grow a few herbs and maybe a pepper or two. I have an amended soil mix started for those though. I may grab another bag of that cheap soil and experiment with some teas. I wish i had more space to do some controls. I dont mind tinkering with the veggies though. Things are a little more strict in the grow tent heheheh.
Get ready to start giving those bitches a helll of a lot of water, i think you might have put a bit too much coir in your soil for green beans. They fucking drink, and if given shit tones of water they will yield like its going out of fashion. I got easily about 100kg last season from 2 15 meter rows well watered and with cane support. I was twatting green beans the whole summer. If you foliar them with molasses they will taste AMAZING! They get a sweeter and fuller taste.
IIf you have a tree you should put them near it so it climbs on it, looks really cool when beans grow.
Good luck and remember to keep em moist
Ok. Thanks for the info KLITE. I was thinking of starting another batch in some amended rols with plenty of worm castings.
Ok so i've cheated a bit and top-dressed these bean plants with some amended soil mix i made a while back. The fifth seed has since sprouted and overall they have all taken off. I should also note that i fed once with soluble seaweed at the rate of 1/4 tsp per litre of RO water. I am also going to do a foliar with molasses as klite suggested. Looking forward to some tasty beans.20140526_160013.jpg
Boy, klite was spot on. These bitches be thirsty and the soil mix is a bit light for sure. Going to top-dress with some fresh castings i think.