Organic Experts Please Help.. Is This Organic?


Well-Known Member
Is the product known as Bloombastic from Atami 100% organic? It says that it contains biological nutrients, but that doesn't necessarily make it organic. Does anyone know???:leaf:

Thanks a lot!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hrmm... I've never heard of the stuff, but doing a quick search on google leads me to believe that no, it isnt 100% organic. The only thing that I really have to back this up is that on their site ATA actually has an 'organics' line, and this is not in it. Plus no where for the product does it even mention that it is 'all natural' or 'organic'. Plus, a big warning sign that it isnt organic is that it has Iron EDTA in it, which is a man-made chemical that is added to nutes.