oregon green seed co.


Well-Known Member
Hello has anyone grown there strains out.I ordered some last yr.great service 100%germ.then I got them mixed in with some bag seed seedling.was not able to take care of either.and ended up with junk.I'm assuming my fault.but would like to hear from others about o.g.s.co.thanks


Well-Known Member
<interested party BUMP>

Hey mn.farmer

I'm hoping more RUI members will chime in in response to your query as I, too, have made the plunge w/ OGS and am gearing up for the upcoming season of in/outdoor growing in a state not too far from yours so would like to hear reports from those that have had a full run with them in either or both environments.

While I have yet to receive my beans (there have been delays THROUGH NO FAULT OF OGS, but because of my own muddle-headedness), I expect delivery of 5 different strains this/next week (Sugar Cookies, Donkey Kong, Cindy's Blue Cheese, Amnesia Hashplant, and Lily Koi).
I can say that the customer service is absolutely top notch as their ability to communicate and work with me in the situation above has been exemplary!

Ya mind if I chime in on this this thread every so often during the coming grow(s) to update my experience w/ OGS?
If you decide to give them another shot this season perhaps we could compare notes on vigor, M/F percentages (OGS doesn't do feminized/auto), nutes, pheno stability, and the like?

Good growing to ya this coming year!
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Well-Known Member
I've used them many times. Great company! Great strains! I was fortunate to pick up some of their Pineapple Express which I'll grow out this year!!


Well-Known Member
I ordered satelite Cindy and bash.I'm going to start them right away.then take cuttings at 6weeks.then flower the mothers inside and put the female cuttings outside june1ish.I've always been a seedlings remove the males grower.so we will se


Well-Known Member
I ordered satelite Cindy and bash.I'm going to start them right away.then take cuttings at 6weeks.then flower the mothers inside and put the female cuttings outside june1ish.I've always been a seedlings remove the males grower.so we will se
I just finished out a grow of satellite Cindy. Grew pretty quickly and yield was awesome. Smells pretty good. Growing odor isn't horrendous either. I still have some blue snowdog from last years grow (bred to make more seed). Smelled really nice


Well-Known Member
That's great to hear that u liked the sat Cindy.I grew up and am still good friends with a Cindy.real wild fun girl partly why I picked the strain.


Well-Known Member
I started 3 different varieties for mother plants. I veg my indoor at 24/7 so kept those with the same schedule (after 4 weeks of 18hours of light). I hit them hard one week to fight mites and with just 3 hours of mostly darkness, some of them started to flower. I emailed the company and they said of course not to do that. Apparently landrace genetics like those will flower at slight stress, including getting rootbound. So tough decisions for me as to whether I put super big plants in the greenhouse with a light on 24/7 until around solstice, or transition super super slowly and hope for the best. I decided to flower the moms, and try to bring those cutting to 17 hours of light without stressing. I also have cuts of a strain that won't do that and still finish in time as well as ordered more seeds from them but will keep them on 16 or 17 hours of light until the outdoor transition. The reason not all of my seed plants flowered is that I have a T5 in the corner that kept some light hitting most of the plants. The short ones on the far side of the room are the ones to flower, the ones closer to the T5 did not. I should have known better, but most strains would not do that and after 3 weeks of trying to reveg and getting an email response from OGS that said they most likely would not reveg, I gave up on those. Strains were OGOG, Cindy's Blue Cheese, and Bash. Bottom line, be careful with those genetics. I'll update with the outcome of the clones.


Well-Known Member
Thanks good to know!I also have some sweet skunk and texada/northern lights coming from peak seeds bc.maybe I will do the cuttings with those strains.and just put the o.g.s strains out as seedlings.we'll see how things go with your o.g.s strains.


Well-Known Member
I just popped a big order of seeds from OGS. 109 of the 115 seeds popped.
I then placed the germinated seeds into solo cups using EB Stone organic seed starter and ran out.. I got a bag of Fox Farms seed starter and it must have been bad... Only 10 of the 50 germinated seeds emerged from the Fox Farms and ALL of the seeds emerged from the EB Stone! I think part of the reason might be the shits too chunky, but there must have been something else going on.
OGS offer great strains that really do well in 45N latitudes and higher. This is my third year growing their strains.


Well-Known Member
Do you just get seedlings going then plant them outside mid may?or do u do cuttings? Also which strains? Thank you


Well-Known Member
I just popped a big order of seeds from OGS. 109 of the 115 seeds popped.
I then placed the germinated seeds into solo cups using EB Stone organic seed starter and ran out.. I got a bag of Fox Farms seed starter and it must have been bad... Only 10 of the 50 germinated seeds emerged from the Fox Farms and ALL of the seeds emerged from the EB Stone! I think part of the reason might be the shits too chunky, but there must have been something else going on.
OGS offer great strains that really do well in 45N latitudes and higher. This is my third year growing their strains.
Any favorites? What is the yield like? I'm trying to decide how much to space to gamble with their strains but am used to 3-5 pound plants, starting them in march and into a greenhouse with light in may.


Well-Known Member
I started a Gorilla Grape ( not on the website, but a free gift) from seed April 20th put them outside May 15th...harvested mid-sept and averaged 2lbs per plant. Tested at 19.89% THC no detectable molds.. ( take that how you will with the current state of weed testing)
I really like the OGOG and Amnesia Hash, for me the Mastodon was average in yield and quality. I ended getting screwed by a friend who started my other seeds last year.


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks for that. I'm starting some Blue snowdog today and putting them in the greenhouse early may into 300 gallon pots. 2 lbs. is pretty good considering what I would say is a late start from seed. I ordered mastodon as well but decided to wait on that one. Really hope the OGOG cuts can have their light adjusted without stress. I got 9 females out of 11 seeds and was hoping to cherry pick the best for outside.


Well-Known Member
A question for you calicoca.if I start my sat.Cindy and bash from seed and keep the light at 16 or 17 hours on.then take cuttings and keep them at 16 or17 hours on.and plant cuttings early June outside.do see any problems with that plan?thanks


Well-Known Member
Glad I gave this thread a little hip action!

Thanks for the info folks as your comments about OGS seem to say it will be pretty happy w/ the outcome of my purchase and now have a few strains not presently offered to keep my eye out for.

Keep it coming!


Well-Known Member
Damn nice hydromd. How long veg? Strain?
You running ROLS style at this point? And inoculants being aact or what?

Na not right now, mn.farmer.