Ordering with credit card?

I don't know if it is safe or not, but you are leaving a pretty incriminating record. Go buy a prepaid credit card and use that. No record at that point.
Im pretty sure they wont say on your credit statement "marijuana seeds" but to be safe I would have them shipped to a different location from your grow site.
I dont know of anyone having problems when actually using a c.c., however, i'd do a prepay or cash to be safe.


lol, your c.c. is right there huh? makes it even more tempting!

You can buy prepaid cards at CVS but if you have to give the "name on the card" and the expiration date you're screwed. I ordered some stuff from one place and it needed the "name on the card"; I had bought $300 worth of these prepaid cards to order my stuff with. I emailed the company and told them my problem and asked if I could just send them the card and they said yes. It worked out but it was a PIA cause I didn't know you couldn't use it just like a regular card. A moneygram is another way to pay; might want to check that out. Agent Locator - USA
Thanks for all the replys. Yeah I think im just gonna try and order with my cc since im ordering it to a diff state than im actually growing in. It says OH YEAH on the statement as a gift shop. I'm still waiting for a PM from someone though before I make the order.
I just recieved my seeds which I ordered from Dr.Chronic with my credit card. TOOK ONLY 5 DAYS SHIPPING TO FLORIDA! :peace:

I ordered belladonna from paradise seeds and to be honest the seeds they sent seem a little premature!