i have to admit that i too was wayyy nervous on my first seed order. i swore that the feds were going to hand deliever them personally to my house... but i have ordered seeds more than ten times from about as many different breeders/ banks, and up till now, i have never had one issue.. matter of fact, i just got three orders in this past week all from different breeders..
the whole thing about ordering and getting them in the mail, even if they do get confiscated, they can never prove that you ordered them to begin with.. i am always getting all kinds of mail that i had no part of its being issued to my address.. the worst that i have heard of happening was the beans being taken out of your order, and in their place was a letter saying that someone tried to send you contraband, and that if you want it, you can come and pick it up at such and such address..
you would really be suprised at the amount of illegal things that get mailed throughout the world on a daily basis, and the chance of them getting caught, is pretty slim..