Ordering Salvia



Anyone know a good place online that you can order Salvia from? This town kind of dry on that, says a few of the local head shop owners. PM me if the website should be kept on the DL. ;)

This is in Toke n Talk because I'm stoned, and this is what I feel like talking about... Sue me.


It's an Acid and Shroom trip all packed into ~15 minutes.
Salvia divinorum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
No side effects except for sweating and maybe a headache. Legal mostly everywhere, no known deaths or incidents of injury. You smoke it, sit down, trip... After 15 minutes you just kind of snap back to reality.

It's fun to try and is mostly used by people to experiment as to how their trip went...

You do it in a chill setting and usually want to have a sober person (watcher) to look over you. Nothing bad will happen but they're more so for an observer. You can't talk on it or walk. (with exception to a few people who can)

Smoke it from a bong with a torch lighter... It tastes like ass shit but hold in that WHOLE BOWL of a hit until your vision gets shaky (~20 seconds). As soon as you blow out, you're fucked.


Well-Known Member
15 mins!!! try more like a miniute that lasts an entire lifetime..

the duration isnt that long

but I lived the entire life of a cat from birth to tragic asain restraunt death in 30 seconds ...

Shit FUCKS you up

I packed a gram ... the WHOLE vial into a 4 foot bong..

had a friend light that shit up... filled the whole damn thing with smoke

and tripped BALLS

it was nothing compares to acid though..

or mushrooms for the matter


Well-Known Member
Make your own salvia ;) I read a guide a long time ago but heres my version :hump:

Salvia comes in extracts (ex. 5x,10x,30x). To make a extract you need the same amount of grams as extract. You would need 10 grams of salvia leaf to make 1 gram of 10x salvia.

All you need is:
-Salvia (ebay, around $10 a ounce)
-Rubbing Alcohol (Food Market)

=Instructions for 10x (Adjust to whatever)=
1. Take 9 Grams of salvia leaf and mix it in a bowl with rubbing alcohol. Stir for 2-3 minutes than wait a few hours.
2. The rubbing alcohol will turn mad green, now pour the green liquid (Filter out salvia leaf as much as possible) onto a gram of salvia leaf.
3. Wait several days for the alcohol to evaporate. Keep in well ventilated area.

Make sure to take safety precautions :joint: This will save alot of money, 60x online is around $60 and at the beach i saw them trying to sell 45x for $90! 60x will now only you around $20. Enjoy.


Well-Known Member
well if you're using it to get high it's gonna scare your balls off.

suppose to be used for the spiritual experience. every time i used salvia i was in a calm atmosphere and had wonderful journeys to other dimensions. :blsmoke:


well if you're using it to get high it's gonna scare your balls off.

suppose to be used for the spiritual experience. every time i used salvia i was in a calm atmosphere and had wonderful journeys to other dimensions. :blsmoke:
I wouldn't use it for any other way... I watched and read about Salvia a LONG time before I ever tried it. Now I want to have another good trip and this city is dry on that stuff. :?

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Don't be afraid, or you will have a bad trip.Start with 10x, even 5x if your tolerance is low
Use a bong, hold it a long time.


Well-Known Member
I've never tried it... never even tripped, as a matter of fact. I've seen a few clips etc, on youtube, and that shit looks bad-ass. I don't like the idea of not being in control, so I'm too scared. I've never tried anything harder than a bit of hash and oil... damn good hash and oil, mind... I think.

So I think I'll stay away from the salvia. Why fix it if it aint broke? In other words... I'll take as much weed as you can give me. I'm happy with that.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's not for everyone. I tried some 13x.It was cool, but it's not a casual drug.It's said there's a spirit that presides over the plant...she's called the green lady.I saw her, and other stuff.But I was prepared to trip.And no matter how bad it could have gotten(and it didn't), it only lasts 15 minutes.
I've never tried it... never even tripped, as a matter of fact. I've seen a few clips etc, on youtube, and that shit looks bad-ass. I don't like the idea of not being in control, so I'm too scared. I've never tried anything harder than a bit of hash and oil... damn good hash and oil, mind... I think.

So I think I'll stay away from the salvia. Why fix it if it aint broke? In other words... I'll take as much weed as you can give me. I'm happy with that.


Last trip was off 40x and the ceiling melted... And I turned into water... If I touched my leg it would ripple. I was in a whole new world...


Well-Known Member
I guess I use weed to manage some psychological stuff I've got going on. But I use it to keep me 'normal'. I function perfectly well when stoned... much better than when I'm not. So, with that in mind, I like a smoke that doesn't brain-fuck me.

And only 15 minutes??? Seems like kind of a waste. :rolleyes:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
It's a lunch break trip.But I liked shrooms better...salvia hits you all at once, shrooms ease in gently.
I guess I use weed to manage some psychological stuff I've got going on. But I use it to keep me 'normal'. I function perfectly well when stoned... much better than when I'm not. So, with that in mind, I like a smoke that doesn't brain-fuck me.

And only 15 minutes??? Seems like kind of a waste. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
it doesnt really matter how long your trip actually lasts. time is relative, and if you've ever had an epic dream during a 20 minute catnap you'll know what im talking about. Anyhow, with salvia, your mind loses all senses of time. People go on huge journeys in 15 minutes.

I personally love salvia. to me, it's like a really powerful lucid dream that you don't wake up from too soon.


Well-Known Member
Well, who knows?? One day I MIGHT get so dry that I'll try anything. There are people in Aus who dry the skin of a cane toad and smoke that... or just lick the poison glands of a live one.

Ewwwww!! :spew: