Orange Bud, CFL grow, high def pics


Well-Known Member
This plant is 22 days since it came out of the ground and stands at 7 inches tall. Germinating took unusually long, over a week but generally not counting germination its 22 days. The deadline for flowering + drying is the 6th of July so its already at day 4 of flowering. Ive only got one plant left out of originally 5 but its at least doing great. There are 6 CFLs, 2 24 watt warm and 4 23 watt cool totalling 9000 lumen. The box is 21 inches high 10 in depth and 16 wide. The walls inside are ligned with white paper and there are 2 computer fans blowing air in and out keeping temps at top of plant at 90F. A 1,5 litre water sugar and yeast mixture bottle is giving it CO2.

At around one week old

17 days old

Box from outside

Close ups 1 day into flowering

22 days old:
I trimmed some leaves on the bottom to let light got to the new branches

Any comments suggestions welcome


Well-Known Member
I personally would top her right now :mrgreen: ...if I were you.. I am greedy I will admit..........Iwould use the FIM tech. That way you can get your 2=3 or maybe even 4 tops started..... other than that they look awesome and very hairy and GREEN, a tad more Nit. and they would be a dark emerald green.....they look like they are gonna do welll I didn't notice any that looked too weak...Good Job so far....

Wow! looking good and damn that bitch is hairy! LOL


Well-Known Member
I thought i wouldnt do anything dratstic this time seeing that topping might slow down the growth and my time is limited. Ill give it some brown sugar water today instead of molasses, they dont sell it here.


Well-Known Member
Hey valuablevariable! nice growing you got going!

just a couple side notes:

90*F is a lil hot for the plant, its a good thing you're supplementing co2

any light leaks into your box will make the plant take longer to show sex, so make sure when its the dark period that the blue led is off and maybe throw a cover over the box to give it complete darkness.

and what does the sugar cane do for your plant?


Well-Known Member
i dunno about topping sure you'll get more but looks like a private grow lol quality be more important no? keep that main bud mmmmmmmmm imho


Well-Known Member
The fans are off at night, i checked and it seems to be very very dark then and i do have a cover i put over the whole setup as well


Well-Known Member
Day 26 , flowering day 8
Its at 10 inches so its growing half an inch a day, i got a thermometer and it seems like its only 81 F in the box, almost too cool id say but still very reasonable.
Box is getting small, might have to make a new one.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Nice littl grow.Id like to add a few things to help you out.78 degrees is optimol for non co2 injected grows.Brown sugar or cane will lock your plant as it has a lot of things not good for your plant.You can use the refined black starp molasses or sweet or carbo load but brown sugar or white sugar are bad for the plant so Id stop as soon as possible.You should keep a fan blowing in the box even during dark as it keeps stale air moveing as stale non fresh air stunt growth and yield.I personally wouldnt top it.Yeah you get 2 coloas but they are usually smaller then 1 main cola and will take more room which it looks like you have minmal since the plant will double or triple during flower.I do have a question though.How many fuckin megapixels is that camer and what model its damn good.Keep it goin


Well-Known Member
Im not gonna top it, ill try it next grow, im using brown sugar because theres no molasses available here and its said that unrefined brown would work, although not as well. I dont know how many MP the camera has, i borrow it from my neighbor but its that good because it has some kind of microscope function that many new cameras have apparently. Its a sony though and very flat. ;)


Well-Known Member
hey man just try again, you had a great setup there with plenty of light for one plant. not to mention i love how close those pics are.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
This time leave out the brown suagr as its not good and will casue more issues then good better with nothing then to use it..Good luck next try