Opinions Please?


Active Member
Hello everyone. I just recently made a little "bongprint" (blueprint for a bong... yea I know it's corny) with my good friend MsPaint. I felt I had to share it with people and see what they think. So I joined these fine forums. The design is a very very easy/cheap way to make a double perc bong with things you probably already have at your house. I know it's not a revolutionary bong design, but I bet some people might find this helpful. Toward the end of the instructions I had to be brief because I was really high and didn't realize how little space I had to work with.

Another good thing is, you can add as many chambers as you want. It's a very easily modified design.

And just to clarify, I love glass... I just build these things when I break a pipe and haven't gotten a new one yet.

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y53/callmebetty89/MSpaint Pics/bongprint1.jpg