i personally believe that the entire world is going to shit.... and being led by our (american) government.... i dont believe that there is anything we can do about NAFTA/NAU, short of a mass, heavily armed revolution..... the only problem with that is we will never get enough of a militia to even attempt to stand up to our numerous armed forces (police, dea, fbi, army, nat'l guard, etc..).... so i believe that we only have two options... 1) move to a secluded area (preferably in large groups for security) and become self-sufficient, or 2) get out of the country and just wait until we come to your new country to fuck it up too... government is out of control, but we are more than 100yrs too late to try and do anything about it.... give em an inch and they'll take a mile... we have given them miles, and there is no way of catching up now.