opinions on first grow

hey everyone,

i just wanted to post pics i took of my three girls this morning and see what you guys think. this is my first full grow and im honestly excited that i havent killed them off yet. they're in ff ocean forrest soil and ive been feeding them grow big 1 Tbs/gl about once every 2 weeks. i know the pics arent the best quality, sorry i couldnt take more but the misquotes are insane at my garden and i cant stay out there very long (kind of like it though, keeps people out of the area). here they are:


this one is the shortest one right now. i topped it a couple weeks ago and just supercropped it yesterday (thats why it looks so bent over). the stalk is strong and thick but the foliage looks a little weak and thin, especially towards the bottom of the plant. all three plants are in large holes in the ground with about 2" of perlite lining the bottoms of the holes, but surrounding the holes is heavy clay soil. we recently got a pretty bad storm and this plants soil had thick clay covering the top of the soil. i've recently cleared it off, but do you think having so much clay mixed in the soil could be straining the root system making it smaller? Is there anything I can do to deal with this if you think its an issue?


i topped this one at the same time as the other one, but this one looks alot healthier to me. this is the plant im proudest of, definitely thinks it looks the best.


i havent topped this one yet. im not really waiting on anything specific, just like having a control to compare the other two plants that i've already topped. any ideas on when would be a good time to top it? the strange thing to me about this one is that the leaves keep growing in threes. will the plant start making the typical 7-leaf foliage when i top it or is this just the genetics of this plant?

thats the three plants. does anyone have an idea about when they will start flowering? im at a latitude of 35 degrees we should go into 12/12 daylight around sept. 23rd. any ideas/thoughts on how im doing or improvements i could make would be also really helpful. also, i know every noob and his cousin ask about yields on this board and its extremely hard to guess, but i have to ask, any ideas on how much you think i can expect these plants to yield? again, any advice is extremely helpful. thanks RIU, i appreciate all of your help!


Well-Known Member
I got clay in my area I treat it like a planter pot I dig out about 64 Quarts and replace it with good potting soil. They usually go nuts weather permitting. I tried mixing stuff in to improve soil but always had poor results they just stressed a lot.


Well-Known Member
in the very top right of the first pic, that looks like leaf miner damage. i think neem oil gets rid of them. theyre a bitch though cuz theyre inside the leaf, not on the outside