Opinions on AK48


Active Member
I am currently growin ak48 an they are 12" high just about to go into 12/12 next week what are all your opinions on this strain yeil potency an all that


Well-Known Member
I am currently growin ak48 an they are 12" high just about to go into 12/12 next week what are all your opinions on this strain yeil potency an all that
I got it growing now.
I heard thats its some strong shit.
I have been 12x12 for a week or so and they look like they will produce a good amount of bud.

First time i grew it. I heard alot of good things about it.
Good luck with your grow.


Well-Known Member
3 weeks in from seed and there blowing up on me....Just got em under a 4 foot shop light and they love it..


Well-Known Member
i grew 4 ak 48 ladies, that shit was strong, infact some of the strongest shit iv ever tasted and iv been to amsterdam recently too!

damn that makes me sad, i dont have any left, smoked it all months back, fuk i miss that shit


Well-Known Member
yipee! sounds good. i currently have 6 AK-48 Vegging. By tomorrow they would have been vegging for 1 week.

How long did you guys veg for? how long do you suggest? i was thinking 4 weeks?

EDIT: Anthony, got any pics we can see?


Well-Known Member
AK-48 is one of the four strains I keep around, currently. (NYC Diesel, AK-48, Hindu Kush, Papaya.) Occasionally I try a new strain, and if it's better than one of the four I already have, I replace one. AK-48's been with me from the start; never been tempted to phase it out. I'm not currently flowering any, but I have a few AK-48 clones vegging for later crops.

I haven't tried the Papaya yet, but the other three I have. I'd rate those three like this:

Potency: Diesel > AK-48 > Hindu Kush
Yield: Hindu Kush > Diesel > AK-48

Hindu Kush and AK-48 are very close in potency though, and Hindu Kush is a much better yielder, so I tend to grow a lot of the Kush. But the AK-48 is too good for me to give it up, even if it's not a big producer. (It's not a BAD producer or anything, so don't fret.)