Opinions? Help? Tips?


Active Member
Hey guys.

This is my 4th grow that ever made it to flowering stage however due to family issues, moving around, police ect i never managed to pull off a harvest. But hopfully i can this time round. Unfortunately i only have 2 plants which are clones and one is quite f**ckd up so to speak.... As the image will intail...

Now im in the 3rd week of flower (yes i should have vegged longer, but its dry as shet around here)...

Im jus wondering if the buds are a reasonable size for its age?

Side note: the mother the clones were takin from was over 1 year old.

I vegged the clones for about 3 weeks then switched to flower. I THINK the stretch phase is just about over if not already but just want opinions. Iv just givin it its first ever nutrients since iv had it called budzilla which has a NPK of like 40-45-45 or something real strong shet but gets the buds going so hope this helps beef them up a little bit during the next 5 weeks. Whats your thoughts? This is a just a random strain no "branded" strain like og kush or whatever. Just bag seed equevalent clone i guess. Anyways just let me know guy if im doing anything wrong as flowering stage isnt my thing iv always been in situatuations where i had to pull them early lol. Thanks. Will upload more pics week by week.

