Opinion question: Size of grow room


Active Member
Im thinking of veggin 4-10 or more plants w/CFLs and then gettin a 400-1000 HPS bulb for flowering.

What size growroom would you guys recommend for a stealthy grow?
3x3 or is a 8x8 room with a lot of lights gonna jack up the bill and smell too bad?


Well-Known Member
yes it will jack up the hydro bill especially the 1000 the 400 will do 4-6 plants ok smell well of course if its good at all will stink to high heaven there's a diy on how to make your own carbon filter in the grow facts


Active Member
Are the HPS worth it at 400 watts for 4-6 plants? I mean i know they are, but how badly are they gonna jack up the light cost?


Well-Known Member
400 watts will only raise the electic bill about $15 a month tops. You can probably cut nearly that much by reducing the temp on your water heater to 120 degrees, switching to cfl's, turning the temp down on your termo or up on your ac.

I would go with 1000 watts. You will be disappointed if you don't. You can never have too much light but often people get cheap and suffer from too little light. Remember if you are using for flowering only you will be running on 12/12. So it won't be a constant power drain.


Well-Known Member
The key is to control the heat. A good air cooled hood is a must. Look for one with a gasket around the glass. That will keep almost 100% of the hot air from leaking into your grow area.