Opinion on my nutes! Anything you would add?


Active Member
Got about 10 grows under my belt. I am running a 6 Plant Modular White Widow Scrog currently - RDWC w/water chiller about 67deg. 5x6 (30sq ft) scrog with 2 1000 watters... each plant in a 5Gal bucket.
RH about 30-40%, room 70f night - 78f day. Fresh nute change brings me to about 1600 ppm... towards the second half of flower I start to lower the ppm closer to 1000. The ladies are at 20 days from the 12/12 flip.

Looking to plump my buds up. Things have been going great with my current lineup, but just looking for some more knowledge and advice:

My current nute lineup:
I run Latwoods GH lineup on the most part.
It is a modified lucas formula adding a little bit of grow for the first 4 weeks or so.. then it cuts of the grow. But anyway.

GH series - Latewood formula
Humbolt honey - recently switch from floranectar
Koolbloom (liquid)
Liquid karma

Last couple weeks of flower or so before flush I replace the Koolbloom liquid with overdrive and slam the ladies. I could use the Koolbloom powder to really up the PK, but the Overdrive works well also.

So the question is.. what would really plump my ladies up even more..
Safe for hydro of course.

Maybe some big bud?
Silica blast?
you know what I am saying!

Any input would be helpful..



Well-Known Member
i think you're more than covered nutewise GH with some cal-mag is all you really needed. i wouldn't complicate it further, rather keep close eye on plant health and feed accordingly :)


Active Member
Yeah zem, You know how it is. Always looking for the magic potion. I have done well with this lineup so far, If I were to add other stuff, I would have to drop the level of some of my other nutes... don't want to burn the ladies.. plus it may not be the time to "experiment" with a 30sq ft scrog that is going gang busters... would hate to bring the ladies down.

I really want to try bigbud or maybe bud candy... who knows!


Well-Known Member
why do you want to add complexity to your formula? do you keep control plants when you add new elements to your feed program?

instead of bud candy use 1 tsp epsom salts per gallon and 1 tbsp blackstrap molasses per gallon - it adds K, Mg, Fe, and S. why pay $40 for a few dollar's worth?
floranova grow is close to rezdog's modified lucas formula. it has 15% ammonium to keep pH stable.
kick up your rH to 60-70% in early bloom, and trail off to 50%. low rH shuts the stomata and stops photosynthesis.
you can just as well use mono potassium phosphate for PK blasts...at most $6/lb versus $20 for 45g of shooting powder (same stuff!), or koolbloom.


Well-Known Member
Fresh nute change brings me to about 1600 ppm...
Bring that down about 500 ppms, assuming you're on the 442 scale.

My current nute lineup:

It is a modified lucas formula adding a little bit of grow for the first 4 weeks or so.. then it cuts of the grow. But anyway.

GH series - Latewood formula
Humbolt honey - recently switch from floranectar
Koolbloom (liquid)
Liquid karma
The 3 part will work well but ditch koolBloom, it's nothing more than an overpriced florabloom. Ditch the humboldt honey, sounds like magic sauce and you're doubling up by using Liquid karma. Ditch the calmag too as the GH 3 part has plenty of both minerals.

Last couple weeks of flower or so before flush I replace the Koolbloom liquid with overdrive and slam the ladies. I could use the Koolbloom powder to really up the PK, but the Overdrive works well also.
Slamming ladies is fun but you don't want to 'slam' your plants with anything, ever.
So the question is.. what would really plump my ladies up even more..
Safe for hydro of course.

Maybe some big bud?
Silica blast?
you know what I am saying!

Any input would be helpful..

Silica blast is the most beneficial but I'd suggest DynaGro's Protekt as it has 4 times the silica for the same price. You're also asking which bloom booster to use on top of the bloom boosters you're already using? I'd suggest you read up on plant nutrition, nutrient lockout, and proper feeding levels.


Active Member
Crysmatic - I hear ya about getting too complex. There is no way I am hanging around 50rh in bloom.. This is a 30sqft scrog... its full also.. These nugs are close together..
I need to keep the RH down.. More important to do so in a scrog. Not feeling like fighting any mold.

homebrewer - bring down 500? They are handling 1600 no problem - no burnt tips. I always run this. I will drop it towards the second half of flower. I don't see a need to drop it unless I was having burning issues.. which I am not. But yeah.. your right it is high, but my ladies are not showing any bad signs and never do at this level, but I have always thought I should lower it.

Not sure about ditching the carbs.. I agree the LK has carbs also, but I will be ditching the LK soon after the stretch, plus it can way "over" bush things especially in a crowded scrog. So since I am about to ditch LK, I will stick with the HHoney for the rest of flower.

Now about your recommendation for ditching Calmag.. careful who you tell that too.. your way off in my case. It is a must for me... RO water... from the start. Always have always will.... If I stop the CMag... the ladies will show it within 3 days.. it is a must! GH3 does not have enough of what is needed with my RO water.. My ladies would die an ugly death If I did that. Thats a fact.

You have no idea how much I "Read up"... just looking for some friendly input and chat. Whats nutrient lockout? Kidding.
And come on.. really... the saying "slamming my ladies" is just that - a saying. You make it sound like I got them bent over bleeding & chained in the basement... seriously.

I am thinking of adding silica... hummmm

With this same lineup I routinely pull 1.75 - 2lb's off 6 Blackjack plants with a single 1000w hps grown normally... not scrog.. this time around I am scrogging and added another 1000 watter... should be interesting.

I switched to the Widow this time around to give the strain a whirl.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you got your lineup pretty dialed in. If your gonna try big bud ditch the koolbloom. They are same type of product and provide the same benefits. The only thing I would add is the silica. Maybe some beneficials in your veg/early bloom to get those roots really poppin. *shrugs*

Your getting pretty good numbers from a single 1000w. Do you have c02? Would be the most beneficial thing you could add if you really want to "plump up your buds" and don't already have it.


Active Member
Banditt- Yah it seems dialed.. I am high on my nutes, but it seems ok for now. I am following the Latewood GH3 nute schedule... just following him on the most part... he runs really high nutes, but the monsters I ave seen from that nute schedule is unbeliavable. Yeah if I were to change flower boosters I would stick with one.. otherwise the ladies would fry for sure..

Its a bit late for silica I think, but I guess couldn't hurt. Also.. yeah I have been getting great yields.. actually surprised by my numbers, only thing is with a conventional grow the lower fluffy popcorn buds were driving me crazy! So.. SCROG I went.. not really looking to up the quantity, but the QUALITY... since most of it will be top bud now I think I will be very happy. My scrog is full... no screen space left.. next time I will go just a little shorter on the veg, but not much.

Oh yeah.. no CO2... I wish :) You are right though.. it would really plump things up I bet. Thing is I run my Charcoal filter all day to remove heat (and creat negative pressure to control stink) from my 10x10 room & with the 2 - 1000watters and dehumidifier and Water chiller it would be hard to seal the room for CO2, so much heat... Only thing I could think of is maybe put the filter fan, dehumid and chiller on a timer so that I can run CO2 for couple hours... then vent... then do it again cycling it.. plus the CO2 would allow higher nute levels... faster metabolizm.


Well-Known Member
Banditt- Yah it seems dialed.. I am high on my nutes, but it seems ok for now. I am following the Latewood GH3 nute schedule... just following him on the most part... he runs really high nutes, but the monsters I ave seen from that nute schedule is unbeliavable. Yeah if I were to change flower boosters I would stick with one.. otherwise the ladies would fry for sure..

Its a bit late for silica I think, but I guess couldn't hurt. Also.. yeah I have been getting great yields.. actually surprised by my numbers, only thing is with a conventional grow the lower fluffy popcorn buds were driving me crazy! So.. SCROG I went.. not really looking to up the quantity, but the QUALITY... since most of it will be top bud now I think I will be very happy. My scrog is full... no screen space left.. next time I will go just a little shorter on the veg, but not much.

Oh yeah.. no CO2... I wish :) You are right though.. it would really plump things up I bet. Thing is I run my Charcoal filter all day to remove heat (and creat negative pressure to control stink) from my 10x10 room & with the 2 - 1000watters and dehumidifier and Water chiller it would be hard to seal the room for CO2, so much heat... Only thing I could think of is maybe put the filter fan, dehumid and chiller on a timer so that I can run CO2 for couple hours... then vent... then do it again cycling it.. plus the CO2 would allow higher nute levels... faster metabolizm.
Considering you have a chiller dehumidifier etc, I'm guessing you ahve some cash on hand and don't mind spending some money on equipment. I'd seal up the room, remove the carbon filter from the garden and run it outside your room to clean up any escaping smells. Get a controller and put a portable AC unit in the room. You can get them pretty cheap 300-600 bucks. I believe the rule of thumb is about 4000btu AC per 1000w of lighting, so you would probably want to do around a 10k BTU unit. You'd probably be able to ditch the dehumidifier as well considering the AC will dehumidify the room.