opinion Needed!!

ok so my plant is about 3 week and 6 days old and since the bottom last 2 large fan leaves are touching the floor i was wondering am i able to clip them of without damage? also any opinions on my plant go ahead and post it :bigjoint::leaf:


Well-Known Member
yup just let them die cause they are prob feeding more than 50% of the plant if you cut them the plant will grow alot slower


Active Member
I would ditch the tinfoil. The white wall would reflect significantly better. Look at the flash off the wall it's over exposing the pic. The foil reflects I think like 60% only. Flat white reflects near 90%. Very healthy lookin lady though nice work :).


Well-Known Member
ohh snap yeah dude get rid of the tin foil causes burns from concentrating small beams of light


I would ditch the tinfoil. The white wall would reflect significantly better. Look at the flash off the wall it's over exposing the pic. The foil reflects I think like 60% only. Flat white reflects near 90%. Very healthy lookin lady though nice work :).
The picture actually shows the white is brighter, thats funny.
Anyhow i would let them die off too, its what they do in nature anyhow.