
Does anyone know where accesss to oxy is less prohibited than here in Canada? I get them from the doctor but they are so expensive. I was wondering if there was somewhere online I could get them or I believe while in Mexico you can get them over the counter there. Any help would be hugly apprciated. IMY pocket book is dying because of the damn things but they help me make it through the day at my physically demanding job after 3 high speed accidents. Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
Nuevo Laredo.
Cheap pills.
Cheap drinks.
Cheap prostitutes.
My favorite vacation spot.


Well-Known Member
Need I remind you that half the reason they are so cheap is that there is very little oversight.


Well-Known Member
Need I remind you that half the reason they are so cheap is that there is very little oversight.
This is not true with the prostitutes though.
once you enter Boystown there are fedarali's with assault rifles patrolling the area and all the prostitutes are registered and tested weekly for disease.

But back to the topic.
There are some U.S states were meds are easy to obtain at "Pain Management" clinics. Especially Florida.
In Mexico there is a limit you can leave the country with. So would probably require frequent trips. Once a Dr. or I guess he was a Dr. offered to have a few bottle delivered to me on my side of the border if the limit wasn't enough for me. I chickened out and said No Thanks.