Only into day 3 of my flush and have over 85% amber trichomes. What do I do?


Active Member
I need some serious advice guys. Basically I have some plants whose trichomes are showing alot of amber.. most of them are over 85% amber. I've only been flushing for 3 days though. So what is worse???? Harvesting on a three day flush or letting all the trichomes turn amber? How many days should I continue flushing. Any ideas would be greatly apreciated.

They are white widow and ak 47s. Today makes it the 8th week of budding for both of them. The white widow is suppose to be harvest anywhere from 8 to 10 weeks and the ak anywhere from 6-8 weeks according to what I've read. For some fucking reason the wide widow is all amber and the ak is just starting for turn amber.
my idea to it would take the both sides n decide what u'd rather smoke.. chemicals or a pot with trichomes degrading just a slight amount... one week is fine to let it use up the nutes and you wont even taste the THC difference, how many days r u into flowering?
if u want to hurry the flush u can buy some flora kleen like i have and it can completely flush the plant in 2 days.. works excellent
Thats good to hear. I am not sure if I'm looking at the trichomes correctly. Is it amber when the trichomes are a translucent amber throughout or when the mushroom turns that really dark amberish/brown color?

Also what should I be doing through out the flush. What I was going to do was just keep watering while adjusting my ph as normal, but with no nutes and then not water for the last two days. Does that seem right?
ya how ever long it takes for ur soil to b completely dry for a half day to a day. n then harvest, everyones got there own ways all work well
yeah i would just wait and flush it thoroughly, rather than smoke chems, can any one help me though.... i have a plant in miracle grow time release stuff (yeah i know) how can i flush if the nutes will keep being released .... water cure maybe?
I dont know, I would think by the time youre done all the THC will have degraded to CBD. Im no expert though. Final Phase or similar products cut donw on how long it takes to flush