online security


for those who post online grow journals and constantly update them, how secure it is? dont government have the right to see what ever they want and can see every thing we do online? they can probably track our ip address. I just want to post one of my grow journals on and but i'm worried about making my grows online and therefore public so that anyone can see and probably track me down with my ip address. Should i be this worried?


Well-Known Member
I won't do it. Some people will likely flame you for not showing what you grow. Fuck them, I don't like even the remote thought of incarceration. :lol:

As for your question, your on-line postings are 100% admissible evidence in a court of law. You are basically waving your right to "remain silent" and protection from self incrimination. Better to be safe than sorry. Plenty of people grow it legally.

P.S. You can find almost all the content here on RIU with a simple Google search. So can any LEO.


Well-Known Member
Depends on what government you are talking about, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, might be in trouble, the US, the answer is probably not. No judge will issue a warrant based on pictures of plants taken inside a building assuming no distinguishing "stuff"is photographed (no pictures of reflective stuff). All seed banks are located outside the US and even the most friendly foreign governments would not raid a seedbank unless you are like a congressman's son. Again assuming you are smart about it and don't go spouting off your location online or anything else that can identify you (google your forum name).


Well-Known Member
I was worried to until i found It speaks for its self and trust me or not it works very well !!! I just heard about it about 3-4 months ago and have used it ever since!! for 1 person its bout 275 a yr!! but considerin what some of us do on the net the peace of mind is priceless!!