one snow white and dealers random (waitin suggestion)


Well-Known Member
i started my new garden with one snow white and dealers random 7 seed.

started 5 soil and 3root riot i want to hydro the 3 riots
20/4 light cycle
approximately 60RH 83F
im using bottled water cos the tap waters ph changes hours by hours

have this ferts, should i grow my riotteds in hydro with this fertilizers?


Well-Known Member
OMG they grow About 0,7cm at 4 hours with 20/20/20 master fert.

sory for upside down pics


Well-Known Member
Your plants are about to fall over from stretching so much. Within 3 inches of foliage is gardenknowms golden rule.


Well-Known Member
i set my 6400k lamb to 3 inch. should i use other lambs, 100watt osram and 80w 2700k cfl?
When i smoke tonight ill give dedication to the 7 ladies that will parish :( Here's too the Ganja gods may you spare ethabhae even tho his lack of care has damaged 7 babies sent by you.. RIP.. <Tokes>


Well-Known Member
they are 4,5 days old from seed, i am makin a hydro system for these tallers, i ll bury the plants in pots
Hydro Setup are nice. Im working on 11 plants right now i got some more germinating, im thinking mass production of 15 plants minimum will help me with my personal supply im sick of my dealer running out. Im at 2 weeks with my oldest plants, i have 9 that are 4 days old


New Member
so are way to stretched out how fast there growing is a bad thing not a good thing put lights closer
Yes but it's such a hassle cause i have to use my laptop cam but i promise i will show u tomorrow, try to give some updated pics of your ladies tomorrow, sometimes they grow alot in 24 hours..
Hey im sorry about the burying the plants crap they do look good i look at this forum now high and i start to realize i have 2 plants that identical too you'res. We pretty much started at the same time id like to monitor my plants along with you'res on this forum i really gotta get some pics myself


Well-Known Member
hi, i am trying a new technic about lights. i was execute lights 20/4 on/of. now i ll open lights 1 hour close 15min repeatly for 24 hours.
i will post pics daily